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04 diciembre, 2016

What a #Trump Presidency Might Look Like

By Global Research News

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By Jack Rasmus, December 02 2016
In the weeks since the November 8 US presidential election, the dim outlines of what a Trump presidency might look like are beginning to appear. Trump continues to retreat on several fronts from his campaign ‘right populist’ positions, while doubling-down on other radical positions he previously proposed during the campaign. How to make sense of his apparent evolving policy divergence?

By Stephen Lendman, December 02 2016
At a Thursday Cincinnati rally, Trump announced retired Marine Corps General James Mattis as defense secretary – calling him “the closest thing we have to (WW II era) General George Patton.” Earlier he tweeted he’s “being considered for Secretary of Defense…A true General’s General!”

By Ray McGovern, December 02 2016
The news that President-elect Donald Trump called in disgraced retired Gen. David Petraeus for a job interview as possible Secretary of State tests whether Trump’s experience in hosting “The Celebrity Apprentice” honed his skills for spotting an incompetent phony or not.

By Mike Whitney, December 02 2016
The election was a referendum on Obama’s handling of the economy, in which 60 percent of those surveyed, think was a failure. These results also suggest that, had Obama made any attempt to address wage stagnation, shrinking incomes, student debt, or widespread economic insecurity, Hillary Clinton would probably be president today. As it happens, the victory went to the anti-establishment outsider who promised a fundamental change in direction, Donald Trump. Now the question is: Can Trump deliver?

By Joseph Kishore and Jerry White, December 02 2016
In a rally in Cincinnati, Ohio on Thursday night, US President-elect Donald Trump outlined the right-wing program of extreme “America First” nationalism of the incoming administration.

By Chris Hedges, December 02 2016
We await the crisis. It could be economic. It could be a terrorist attack within the United States. It could be widespread devastation caused by global warming. It could be nationwide unrest as the death spiral of the American empire intensifies. It could be another defeat in our endless and futile wars. The crisis is coming. And when it arrives it will be seized upon by the corporate state, nominally led by a clueless real estate developer, to impose martial law and formalize the end of American democracy.

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