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26 febrero, 2017

I’m Waiting for #Google to Explain Why They #Deleted #NaturalNews

by Jon Rappoport

(Update: Part-1 here)

As many of you know by now, Google deleted Natural News, owned by Mike Adams, from its listings.

When you type in “Natural News,” you don’t get “naturalnews.com,” you get “natural.news” instead — a different and tiny site also owned by Mike Adams.

Various people have speculated about Google’s reasons. All Google has to do is print an explanation. Where is it?

A few idiot science bloggers, who disagree with Mike’s views on health and medicine, think the Google deletion is hilarious. I guess they’re living in the Soviet Union of the 1950s. For them, the First Amendment, and the blood-soaked history behind its final enshrinement, is merely another joke.
Apparently, they justify their pleasure on the basis that Mike has been passing along information that could “harm people’s health.” My reply to that is this:

People can make up their minds about how they want to manage their own health. And an examination of conventional and official medicine’s effects reveals a shocking death toll—a fact these “science bloggers” prefer to ignore.

I have covered the extent of that death toll MANY times.

For example: Dr. Barbara Starfield, Journal of the American Medical Association, July 26, 2000, “Is US health really the best in the world?” The medically caused death total in one year? 225,000
Americans. Extrapolating per decade? 2.25 MILLION deaths.

Is Google de-listing web sites and blogs that defend THIS kind of medicine?

Yes, Google is a private company, and they can censor anyone they want to. They can print all their listings upside down. They can highlight sites that claim the moon is made of steak. They can post a cute doodle celebrating the life of Stalin. They can print a manifesto asserting that fake news is their business.

—Or they can simply publish a reason for deleting all listings for Natural News.

If you own a blog or website and you stand for free speech, I strongly urge you to write and post a piece about this situation and tell Google you’re waiting for their explanation.

If Google has nothing credible to offer, then they are censors. They’re a lot of things, none of them good.

So far, that’s the way I’m leaning, because it’s been a few days since the delisting. How long does it take to come up with a statement? How long does it take to stand for the 1st Amendment?

UPDATE: Here is a statement from Mike Adams (2/24):

“This morning, I was contacted by a Google technical person who directly emailed Natural News. According to the email, a Google techie found an obscure third party advertising script running on a tiny number of articles published 3+ years ago under the blogs.naturalnews.com subdomain, where content is posted by outside bloggers. (Many websites host similar blogs, including the NY Times.)…”
“Just to be clear, this script was NOT running on the http://www.NaturalNews.com primary domain, it was not part of any in-house NaturalNews articles, and it was not even recent. It was from years ago.”

“This third party script, identified as invoking ‘cpxcenter.com’, has been so far identified on a grand total of 13 blog posts that were posted from 2013 – 2014 under the subdomain blogs.naturalnews.com.”

“Using this as their excuse, Google blacklisted the entire NaturalNews.com domain, including all 140,000+ pages of content that contained no such third party scripts, thereby ‘silencing’ Natural News content by invoking an obscure, dated, barely-visible technical issue.”

“This is the electronic equivalent of a rogue cop claiming, ‘Yer tail light is busted! Hee-Haw’!”

“In other words, Google scoured the entire Natural News site and all its subdomains, including blogger articles, in order to find some ‘justification’ to ban the entire website. Even worse, they did not issue any warning to Natural News on this ‘Manual Action,’ they did not limit the content ban to the subdomain in question (blogs.) and they did not even tell Natural News which URLs were being flagged by Google, because that would have made it much quicker for us to identify the issue they claimed was responsible for the delisting. (They only told us about one URL today, after days of censorship of the entire website…)”

“But since then, we’ve discovered that Google’s own Blogspot network is running the same third party code! According to Google’s own logic, Google should have blacklisted the entire Blogspot.com domain. But they haven’t. Wonder why?”
Google, what’s your response?

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