Prominent Russians are dropping like flies.
Let's stop pretending that the elephant in the living room isn't really there and proclaim the obvious: the Globalists are executing prominent Russians and the Russian government, in an effort to avoid a war which may already be inevitable, is too afraid to say it out loud. Taken individually, any of the following events can be dismissed as "coincidental." But when weighed collectively, the laws of probabilities prove otherwise.
Win the lottery once -- a freak occurrence. Win it 5 times in one year -- well, then....
"It's a frickin' conspiracy!"
MAY, 2016
“What they need is to have the Russians and Iranians pay a little price,” Morell said. “When we were in Iraq, the Iranians were giving weapons to the Shia militia, who were killing American soldiers, right? The Iranians were making us pay a price. We need to make the Iranians pay a price in Syria. We need to make the Russians pay a price.”
Morell said the killing of Russians and Iranians should be undertaken “covertly, so you don’t tell the world about it, you don’t stand up at the Pentagon and say ‘we did this.’ But you make sure they know it in Moscow and Tehran.”
-- Mike Morell on the Bildeberger Charlie Rose Show.
* We did not include the alleged shooting death of Russia's Ambassador to Turkey because images of the event were clearly fake.
This is not good, boys and girls. Not good at all. And not even Orange Man appears able to reign in "the deep state" that is undermining his ability to avoid World War III. The main unanswered questions, how much of this abuse are the Russians willing to put up with for the sake of peace, and what else is the New World Order gang planning to do to bait Russia?
Boobus Americanus 2: Well, the Russian diet is known for using sour cream in many of its dishes.
Sugar: Oh, but when some Russian 'opposssition leader' allegedly dropss dead, dumb-asss Boobuss immediately accusses Putin of murder!
Editor: Belief in a 'conspiracy theory' is permissible if the Slimes is spinning it.
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