NY Times: Saved From Holocaust: ‘He Loved Me and He Wanted to Keep Me’
It never ceases to amaze and amuse how the seditious scribblers at Sulzberger's Slimes will always find some creative way to take the most seemingly unrelated topics and link back to the "Holocaust" TM. In this case, it was Valentine's Day. Get a load of this Marxist mush:
"On Valentine’s Day, couples often reminisce about that moment they knew they would stay together, whether during a vacation, over a fancy dinner or, perhaps, while meeting their future in-laws.
For Isaac and Rosa Blum, who became teenage sweethearts 75 years ago in a ghetto in Nazi-occupied Poland, that moment came as they and thousands of other terrified Jews were being herded to a death camp by Nazi soldiers."
Play it again, Ira ... and again.. and again .. and again..
Kilgannon: “I saw her walking in front of me,” Mr. Blum recalled. “I went up to the German and told him, ‘That’s my sister,’ even though she was my girlfriend.”
Rebuttal: So, the evil "Nazi" TM allowed Mr. Blum to walk with a girl he thought was his sister, thus
saving her from going to a "death camp." That was nice of him.
Kilgannon: Miraculously, they were both pulled off the line and managed to survive the Holocaust by working as slave laborers in a munitions factory.
Rebuttal: "Miraculously," eh? Ever notice how every story about Holocaust TM "survival" includes the word, "miraculous." Dear Corey. What was so "miraculous" about being sent to a labor camp? Wasn't that the whole purpose of the internment camps? The real "miracle" here is that after 70+ years, people still fall for this crap.
Kilgannon: He is 94, and she is a year younger. Asked to recount their lengthy love affair, they noted the absurdity of couching it — a romance incubated in the hell of the Holocaust — in the frilly trappings of Valentine’s Day.
Kilgannon: He is 94, and she is a year younger. Asked to recount their lengthy love affair, they noted the absurdity of couching it — a romance incubated in the hell of the Holocaust — in the frilly trappings of Valentine’s Day.
Rebuttal: If life was such "hell" in the factory camp, then how did the Blums manage to carry on dating and smooching? And, as evidenced by the 3,000 babies born at Auschwitz alone (here) (some conceived after internment), they may very well have done a whole lot more than just smooch, if you catch my drift. These various camps sound more like modern day college campuses than "hell."
Born at Auschwitz: Anka Nathanova, Priska Lowenbeinova
1- Rachel Friedman was advised to lie and say her son Mark (pictured together) was born on Hitler's birthday – April 20th - and it saved him.
2- The Auschwitz "Miracle Babies" reunite.
Kilgannon (quoting Mr. Blum on the paradoxical elements of the story): “You have a mixed story here — you won’t be able to put them together,”
Rebuttal: Oh ya got that right, Blumie! We can't "put it together" how you and so many hundreds of thousands of other "survivors" were able to walk out of this "Nazi genocide" alive and well, and, in many cases, with a sweetheart on your arm and a frickin' baby in hers!
Kilgannon: It was young, bold love that prodded him to stand up to a Nazi guard and save his sweetheart ....
Rebuttal: Let it not be said that Sugar and I, er, "The Editorial Board" of The Anti-New York Times are lacking in romantic sentiments, however ...

Kilgannon: ...from being sent to the Treblinka death camp.

Kilgannon: ...from being sent to the Treblinka death camp.
Rebuttal: The Treblinka "death camp" in Poland was discovered by the Soviets. We only "know" that is was an "extermination camp" because Joe Stalin's "commission" and some of the Communists and Jews housed there said so.
Kilgannon: A hasty marriage followed, ....
Rebuttal: So, the big bad "Nazis" TM allowed their captives to get married under their watch, eh? A paradoxical "mixed story" that we cannot "put together" indeed!
Kilgannon: ... and then a horrific honeymoon of sorts: stealing glances and brief exchanges under the stern watch of armed guards.

1. The Blums, years after the war. / 2. Scribbler Corey Kilgannon has hitched his wagon to the ever-rising Star-of-David.
Kilgannon: ... and then a horrific honeymoon of sorts: stealing glances and brief exchanges under the stern watch of armed guards.
Rebuttal: Oh the bloody drama! Reads like one of those cheesy romance novels. Were the moon-lit summer nights warm and sultry too?
At least the Blums never had to worry about being burnt to death, crushed to death, starved to death, raped to death and sadistically tortured to death like so many innocent Germans were both during and after the war.
At least the Blums never had to worry about being burnt to death, crushed to death, starved to death, raped to death and sadistically tortured to death like so many innocent Germans were both during and after the war.
The rest of the article consists of just the usual old cliched barf about the Blums undying love for each other and the secrets to a long marriage, with still more obligatory back-story references to the traumatic memories of "the Holocaust" TM and the evil "Nazis" TM etc. For the witless boobs who so dutifully devour the Slime's daily dose of dung, this little human interest story serves to reinforce their delusions about the HOLOHOAX. But for the astute reader who reflects upon every line with a critical eye and mind, yet another confirmed story about "survival" and marriage in "zee concentration camps" amounts to further primary source evidence refuting the biggest lie ever told.
This photo of an Auschwitz marriage announcement congratulating newlywed communist guerilla fighters Rudolf Friemel (from Austria) and Margarita Ferrer Rey (from Spain) was circulated on March 18th, 1944. (here)
An SS officer performed the ceremony. The bride was given flowers and the couple and their son (evidently born before Friemel and Ferrer Rey were incarcerated) were also photographed by the camp photographer! The communist couple spent their wedding night in the camp brothel where they found some solitude, peace and quiet. (here)
Boobus Americanus 2: What a testament to the power of love! Even in Hitler's hell, their love for each other still flourished.
Sugar: You sappy frickin' cornballs make me throw up in my frickin' mouth!
Editor: Sugar dear, heaven help the deluded tom-cat that should ever fall in love with you..
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