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13 marzo, 2017

#FDA’s #Banned #Vitamin May Hold Key To #Cure #Cancer


In the 1980’s, vitamin B17 was banned by the FDA. Many holistic medical practitioners strongly believe the vitamin to be an effective treatment for cancer. And to this day, the war over vitamin B17 and the controversy that has followed continues on. The vitamin can no longer be found on any shelves and though some in the medical community continue to exchange blows over its legitimacy, the general public is rather obtuse to its existence. Vitamin B17 is scientifically known as mandelonitrile beta-D-gentiobioside.

If you search vitamin B17 today, you’ll find both spectrums of the controversy well represented. Some detailing it’s dangers, others lending credence to its value and usefulness. The polarizing discourse usually leaves the Google researcher somewhat befuddled. There are many claims that vitamin B17 has cured cancer.

Vitamin B17 is also known as amygdalin or laetrile. It’s a glycoside nutrient that’s linked by many alternative health practitioners to cancer prevention. And many claim, as mentioned prior, that it has actually cured cancer.

Vitamin B17 works with vitamins A, C and E to eliminate toxic cells from the body. This is the starting point for vitamin B17’s legitimacy claim as a healer. Due to this, it is also said to strengthen the immune system.

Vitamin B17 is a nitriloside and naturally contains nitriloside. Laetrile is an extract form of B17 that is known to allegedly prevent cancer via a process of hydrogen cyanide production.

Vitamin B17 and Cancer

Many studies show that vitamin B17 is a strong treatment for cancer. These studies also show that
B17 prevents cancer cells from spreading. Of course, there are many “other” studies which show that it is not effective. Successes were documented in the book, Laetrile Case Histories: The Richardson Cancer Clinic Experience by John A. Richardson M.D. and Patricia Irving Griffin, R.N. The book was soon forced to back down from its stances. And following that, the FDA determined that vitamin B17 was an illegal cancer treatment. You can no longer purchase it in the U.S., although supplement forms seem to exists. D-amygdalin is a more specific form.
Vitamin B17 and Apricots
Apricot seeds are considered by many alternative medical practitioners to be anti-cancer. These seeds contain Laetrile, which contains one of the highest known concentrations of vitamin B17. The seeds also contain the cancer-fighting agent called amygdalin. Amygdalin contains glucose, benzaldehyde, and cyanide, which are all considered to be anti-cancer.

“A control for cancer is known, and it comes from nature, but it is not widely available to the public because it cannot be patented, and therefore is not commercially attractive to the pharmaceutical industry.”? — G. Edward Griffin.

Dr. Kanematsu Suigura is well-known for his studies on Laetrile. He received some fo the highest available honors from the Japanese Medical Association. Using laboratory mice, Suigura found that Laetrile was highly effective at treating lung cancer. A controlled group of mice not given the Laetrile showed that the lung cancer spread in 80 to 90 percent of them. In the group given Laetrile, that number was drastically reduced to 10 to 20 percent.

Vitamin B17 is said to also boost immunity, as demonstrated by several theories in study published in the International Journal of Radiation and Biology.

The study proposes several theories in relationship to boosted immunity and anti-cancer activity.

The second theory states that cancer cells contain more beta-glucosidase activity than normal cells and, as in the first theory, that they are deficient in rhodanese.[1,5,13,15,18,24,25] Again, elevated beta-glucosidase activity in the interstitial regions of some malignancies has been experimentally demonstrated.[26,27]

The third theory states that cancer is the result of a metabolic disorder caused by a vitamin deficiency. It states further that laetrile, or amygdalin/vitamin B-17, is the missing vitamin needed by the body to restore health.[18,28-30] Experimental evidence indicates that the level of intake of individual vitamins and/or the vitamin status of an organism can influence the development of cancer, but there is no evidence that laetrile is needed for normal metabolism or that it can function as a vitamin in animals or humans.[31,32]

The fourth theory suggests that the cyanide released by laetrile has a toxic effect beyond its interference with oxygen utilization by cells. According to this theory, cyanide increases the acid content of tumors and leads to the destruction of lysosomes (compartments inside cells that contain enzymes capable of breaking down other cellular molecules). The injured lysosomes release their contents, thereby killing the cancer cells and arresting tumor growth.[15] According to this theory, another consequence of lysosome disruption is stimulation of the immune system.

Please watch “A World Without Cancer.”

Pharmaceutical companies simply aren’t incentivized to cure cancer. A cure would upend their profit margins. Treating symptoms is their only true path to making billions.

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