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12 abril, 2017

#Syria: #Trump’s First Step Towards #WorldWarIII ?, #Australia Wants #War With #China

By Global Research News

Selected Articles:

The Trump /Syria Conundrum: Will Trump Deliver Deep State’s World War?
By Larry Chin, April 12 2017
In appearance, Trump’s April 6, 2017 missile attack on Syria is the first step towards a regime change, a massive regional conquest, and possibly World War III. The event marked a point of no return for Trump’s presidency. We have entered uncharted territory, with the future of humanity at stake.
Canada’s Support for Terrorism in Syria
By Mark Taliano, April 12 2017
Canadians like to think of themselves as “progressive”. They think that President Assad gasses his own people, and they think that Assad must go. We already know what happens in terrorist-occupied areas of Syria, so presumably Canadians support this as well.
Australia Beckons a War with China
By John Pilger, April 12 2017
Australia is sleep-walking into a confrontation with China. Wars can happen suddenly in an atmosphere of mistrust and provocation, especially if a minor power, like Australia, abandons its independence for an “alliance” with an unstable superpower.
Rwanda’s President Kagame’s Jobs Program: War
By Etienne Masozera, April 12 2017
The Rwandan political opposition coalition would like to condemn in the strongest terms possible the sickening cynicism of Rwandan Gen. Mubarak towards vulnerable people, like survivors of genocide, his sectarianism and incitement to hatred against survivors of genocide as well as the thinly veiled policy of regional destabilization and expansionist policies.
Historical Origins of the State: Barbarians at the Gate
By Arthur D. Robbins, April 12 2017
War has indeed become perpetual and peace no longer even a fleeting wish nor a distant memory. We have become habituated to the rumblings of war and the steady drum beat of propaganda about war’s necessity and the noble motives that inspire it. We will close hospitals. We will close schools. We will close libraries and museums. We will sell off our parklands and water supply. People will sleep on the streets and go hungry. The war machine will go on. What are we to do?

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