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27 abril, 2017

The #Reichstag #Fire Was Not A #FalseFlag


We have all heard the story about the Reichstag Fire of 1933, as told by court-historians on the left and "truthers" like Alex Jones and others on the right. Supposedly, the new Chancellor of Germany, Adolf Hitler, ordered that the German Parliament building be set on fire. The resulting blaze was then blamed on the Communists. Hitler skillfully used the fire to acquire more political power for his Party, the NSDAP, and also to crush the Reds of Germany once and for all.

There is just one small problem with this official narrative; it's a LIE!

Not only is there zero evidence of a "false flag" attack, but this "conspiracy theory" ignores three very important facts:

1 - Stalin's German Reds, who were blamed for the fire, weren't exactly little angels. (*arsonist captured was actually a Dutch cpmmie.)

2 - Stalin's German Reds, who were furious over Hitler's rise to Chancellor, had been sowing the seeds of violent subversion and Civil War long before Hitler came along.

3 - Stalin's German Reds were the first to initiate the "False Flag" accusation against Hitler.

Before you go on repeating this myth of The Reichstag Fire, let us quickly review the historical precedents of Communist / Red violence, and the chain of events leading up to the great fire.

1866 and 1874: Reds Attempt to Assassinate the Chancellor of Prussia - Germany
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/e5/Eduard_Kullmann.jpg/170px-Eduard_Kullmann.jpg  31a4ed.jpg
Red Edward Kullman's gunshot hits Chancellor Bismarck in the hand. Reds had also tried to kill Bismarck in 1866.

MAY 1878 and JUNE 1878: Reds Attempt to Assassinate the Kaiser of Germany

The new State of Germany is clearly being targeted by Red subversives. The Kaiser escaped death twice.

1881: Reds Assassinate the Tsar of Russia

Reds throw bombs at the carriage of Tsar Alexander; blowing off his legs and killing him. Four previous assassination attempts had failed.

1886: Reds Kill 8 Policemen In Chicago
Haymarket Square Riots: Red terrorists threw a deadly bomb at a line of police officers. The monument to the dead cops (right) would be itself be blown up in 1968 by William Ayers and his 'Weathermen'. Ayers is a friend of, and ghost writer for, Barack Obama.

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