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27 abril, 2017

#Islamophobia, #Trumps #War and the #French #Elections

By Global Research News

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Selected Articles:

Finance Capital and Neo-Fascism: The French Elections Mirror the Crises of Western States
By Abayomi Azikiwe, April 26, 2017
A runoff between National Front leader Marine Le Pen and the 39-year-old banker and former Minister of Finance Emmanuel Macron’s En Marche (Onwards) is slated for May 7.
These two candidates represent the dominant sectors within the French ruling class being the aggressive anti-immigrant and neo-fascist electorate and the pro-European Union (EU) elements who view the status quo as sufficient to guarantee the continuation of capitalism and Paris’ role in the international division of economic power and labor. Neither party nor movement, in the situation of Macron’s En Marche, represents any clear vision of a prosperous future for the people of France.
Short Choices: The French Presidential Elections
By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 26, 2017
The terror for pollsters and the establishment now is whether Marine Le Pen will realise her anti-Euro project and drag the French nation kicking and moaning into a new, even more fractious order. In her way will be the pro-European Union figure of Emmanuel Macron.
Evidence Consistent with the Possibility of a Poison Gas Release from an Attack on an Ammunition Depot in Khan Sheikhoun
By Dr. Theodore Postol, April 26, 2017
This is not proof that the Russian explanation for a mass poisoning is correct, but given that there is no evidence to support the American alternative explanation of a sarin release from an airdropped munition at a site identified by the White House Intelligence Report, this additional data does provide some information that is relevant to the ongoing discussions on this matter.
Trump, Public Imagination, and Islamophobia
By Chandra Muzaffar, April 26, 2017
Donald Trump’s crafty manipulation of Islamophobia, we are told, was one of the factors that propelled him to the presidency of the United States of America. He was very much aware of the prevalence of negative sentiments towards Islam and Muslims within segments of the American electorate. Because Islamophobia was part of the public imagination, he had no scruples about exploiting it for political gain.
Tell Us Why We’re At War, President Trump
By Peter Van Buren, April 26, 2017
The reason we’re fighting all of these places and more can’t still be “terrorism,” can it? That has sort of been the reason for the past 16 years so you’d think we would have settled that. Regime change? A lot of that has also happened, without much end game, and nobody seems to know if that does or ever did apply in Syria to begin with. America can’t be under threat after all these years, right? I mean, world’s most powerful military and all that.

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