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11 junio, 2017

#Pharma Creating #Contagious #Vaccines To #Infect The #Masses With


“Vaccines of the future.” That’s the latest pitch from scientists who want to vaccinate every person in the world. While globalists and governments have worked tirelessly to push, persuade and even force vaccines on people, they are also learning a hard lesson: That there is endless resistance. And that resistance has led scientists down another road in hopes of getting vaccines into every last person. And that’s by using contagious vaccines.

What might sound as if it were something grabbed from the climactic narrative of a science-fiction novel has quickly churned its way into real life. In simple terms, this means vaccinating someone with a contagion that spreads to another person who hadn’t received a vaccine.

This means scientists would be making the vaccines as contagious as the ailments they aim to prevent. If you are weirded out, you should be. If you feel this might be fake news, oddly, it isn’t. This means that people could be giving people watered down versions of HIV, at least according to the pitch.

An article in Popular Science describes the ongoing process, which seemingly has a strategy to test
on animals prior (using contagion which spread from animal to human).

So scientists are taking a leaf from the virus playbook. They’re devising vaccines and antiviral therapies that can spread from host to host.These transmissible vaccines will likely first be used in animals that carry diseases that can infect people. Some may use a weakened version of the virus, or attach a piece of the pathogen to a benign virus. Other treatments are aimed at people who are already infected and will prey on the virus dwelling in their cells.It’s early days for these kinds of vaccines and therapies, and scientists still have to show that they are effective and safe to use in wildlife or people. But they could tamp down the spread of HIV and other contagious diseases, and immunize people who would not otherwise be protected. Plus this strategy would be cheaper than vaccinating everyone by hand.

Not to worry, its just science, right?

The article goes on to admit that the live polio vaccine, is in essence, the first testing ground. That’s because the live polio vaccine spreads polio. It “briefly spreads to other people before dying out,” according to the article. What the article understates is the virus’ ability to mutate into a similarly powerful version of itself. That’s happened with polio. Imagine if that were happening with HIV and other illnesses being regarded in this mass illness spreading plan.

These vaccines sure are of a rather confusing nature. I can’t think of anything I trust less than pharmaceutical companies releasing contagious vaccines on the masses. This sounds like a recipe for doomsday. But I could imagine a scenario whereas pharma spreads more sickness and rakes in more and more revenue. It all somewhat lines up with a simple momentary dedication to focus and logic.

“Most vaccine design has not considered transmission,” James Bull, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Texas at Austin, said in an email to Popular Science.

Most? That’s a rather uncomfortable choice in words. I’d like to think ALL vaccines are designed as not to make the recipient ill. But maybe I’m just old fashioned.

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