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11 julio, 2017

#Hoax #ShootingVictim #Malala Back in the #News

NY Times: Malala Yousafzai, Girls’ Education Advocate, Finishes High School

Well, well, well --- look who's back in the spotlight, just graduated from High School in England, headed off to college and then, we presume, a fast-rising political career as a CIA-MI6 front-woman in Pakistan. "Youse guys" (Jerseyese for the plural of you) do remember Saint Malala Yousafzai, dontcha? She was the fake "children's rights" activist who got shot in the head, then won a Nobel Peace Prize, and then became a best-selling authorette. What an "inspirational" tale, eh? St. Malala took a bullet to the head for going to school, and actually lived to talk about it (for a hefty speaking fee, that is).
In 2012, 15-year old Malala, (we are told), was shot in the head and neck at point-blank range while returning home on a school bus. The culprits (we are told) were the big bad Muslim Taliban of 9/11 fame, who (we are told) oppose education for girls. At a time when the controversy surrounding Obongo's drone killings of innocent children was at its peak, the "shooting" of Malala once again reminded Boobus Americanus and Boobus Europithicus as to why the CIA's bombings of Pakistan and Afghanistan were so necessary. How conveeenient, as the Church Lady of old Saturday Night Live fame used to say.

1. Obongo's constant drone attacks were really becoming controversial. 2. After the little CIA crisis actress took a bloodless bullet to the head, we were reminded why the drones attacks on innocent people were "necessary." 3. The fake little actress is given flowers.

"Drones kill so Malala can live," eh? Tell it, Church Lady, tell it! 

The Piranha Press and "dignitaries" such as the UN's Ban Ki Moon, Mr. & Mr. Obongo, and Killary
Rotten Clinscum all rushed to condemn the horrible attack and praise St. Malala for her "courage." And yet, the names of the other two girls allegedly shot on the bus remain unknown. Also unknown to the world are the names of the children in Pakistan, some of whom lived in towns close to Malala, who had been killed by Obongo's Predator Drones.
Soon after her "recovery", superstar Malala -- pathetically feigning a minor speech impediment and a crooked mouth -- went on to study in England as she continued her CIA/MI6 agitation against the Taliban. While tour-speaking on behalf of "children's rights" (for a fee!), never did this wicked little Intelligence Asset mention of the Pakistani boys and girls being killed by US-CIA drone strikes. Instead, Malala, by now a best-selling author, even visited with Obongo, the very man who authorized the drone killings at the behest of "the deep state" operatives who would brief him every morning.

Soon after her "recovery", superstar Malala went on to resume her studies and her CIA agitation against Islam. Malala, by now a best-selling author, meets with Obongo, the very man killing the Pakistani children that she is supposed to be advocating for!
Malala was a "Sandy Hook" type scam which took place a few months before the fake shootings of Sandy Hook. The fake event took all the attention away from the drone murders of Pakistani and Afghan children. To see Sulzberger's Slimes and the sanctimonious hypocrites of the 'International Community" puff this phony little she-devil up to super-hero status is hard to believe, and even harder to stomach. And this latest Sulzbergian puff-piece on St. Malala is a clear indication that her role in The Great Game has yet to play itself out. The Globalists are long-term players. Most likely, they are positioning their nasty little agent, whose mouth and speech have straightened out now, for a meteoric Obongo-like rise and rise through the ranks of Pakistani (or maybe, British?) politics. One thing is for sure, this troubled world ain't seen the last of this phony little bitch.

NWO Productions presents: The Malala Story

1. "Your Highne$$. I wa$ wondering if you could plea$e give my book an endor$ement plug." 2. "Buy my book! For speaking engagements, please contact my booking agents at All American Speakers Bureau:
or just call, toll-free, 1-800-MY-TALENT (that's actually the website and phone number!) 

Boobus Americanus 1: Remember Malala? I read in the New York Times today that she just graduated High School and is planning on going to college now.
Boobus Americanus 2: What an inspirational story. Such an awe-inspiring and brave young woman. Perhaps she'll go into politics one day.

Sugar: I hope a Pakisstani patriot bussts a real cap in her frickin' sskull!
Editor: Well, it's nice to have the Cape May beach bum back at work, finally! Tanned, rested and ready to roar! -- A little too sun-tanned, as you can see.

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