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19 diciembre, 2017

#US and #Russian #AirForces Engaged in #Syria? US Acts as #ISIS #AirForce

By Global Research News

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Pakistan Military Opposes US Drone Warfare: “We Will not Allow Anyone to Violate our Airspace”
By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 10, 2017
Should US drone operators and the officers responsible for them be concerned by the latest sentiments from the Pakistani Ministry of Defence? The head of the Pakistan Air Force, Air Chief Marshal Sohail Aman, made the most pointed remarks yet that the defence forces are not pleased. 

Dangerous Crossroads: US and Russian Air Forces Engaged in Syria? US Acts as ISIS’ Air Force
By Joaquin Flores, December 10, 2017
With increased clarity over the US role in Syria, the MOD now more transparently explains that most of the near-misses between the two Air Forces, Russian and American, in Syria and Iraq were connected with Washington’s attempts to help ISIS avoid defeat. 

The Raqqa Exodus: The US Coalition’s “Secret Deal” to Allow ISIS-Daesh Terrorists to Escape…
By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, November 27, 2017
Confirmed by a BBC report entitled “Raqqa’s Dirty Secret”, the US-led coalition facilitated the exodus of ISIS terrorists and their family members out of their stronghold in Raqqa, Northern Syria.

Terrorism versus Counter-terrorism: US vs. Russian Military Intervention in Syria
By Stephen Lendman, December 10, 2017
America supports the scourge it claims to oppose – recruiting ISIS and other terrorist fighters, funding, arming, training and directing them.
Syrian and allied forces, greatly aided by Russian airpower, alone defeated ISIS. US forces tried obstructing their efforts.

Further Signs of Looming US War with North Korea
By Peter Symonds, December 09, 2017
In another indication of the advanced US preparations for war against North Korea, the Trump administration has suggested that US athletes might not participate in the Winter Olympics in South Korea in February for security reasons.

When Washington Cheered the Jihadists
By Daniel Lazare, December 09, 2017
When a Department of Defense intelligence report about the Syrian rebel movement became public in May 2015, lots of people didn’t know what to make of it. After all, what the report said was unthinkable – not only that Al Qaeda had dominated the so-called democratic revolt against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad for years, but that the West continued to support the jihadis regardless, even to the point of backing their goal of creating a Sunni Salafist principality in the eastern deserts.

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