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18 enero, 2018

An "Oops" Sends #Hawaii Into #Nuclear #Panic?


NY Times: Hawaii Panics After Alert About Incoming Missile Is Sent in Error


The people of Marxist-Globalist Hawaii were terrorized this past weekend when an early-morning emergency alert "mistakenly" warned of an incoming missile attack. The cellphone and TV alerts, sent by the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency (HEMA), set off widespread panic in a state that was already on edge because of the imaginary threat of North Korea. According to the "official story" put out by HEMA, as quoted in this article: “Someone clicked the wrong thing on the computer.”

Oops. Hey, we all make mistakes -- no biggie (rolling eyes).

A simple "oops" caused 38 minutes of terror? Seriously? 

The "oops" story simply does not add up. Alert systems such as this are multi-step procedures -- not a simple "push button" thing. And if the alert was truly the result of "pushing the wrong button," then why was it not immediately rescinded? Why did it remain in place for 38 long and terror-filled minutes after it was issued? Could it be that the alert was real? Could it be that an actual submarine attack -- intended to put the blame on North Korea and trigger the war that Trump is actually trying to avoid -- was thwarted by "the White Hats" on Saturday? Sound crazy to you? Well, it's a heckuva lot more plausible-sounding that the idea of an "oops" alert -- a colossal screw-up unprecedented in American history.

Now, who would dare to attempt such a horrible false-flag? Who, other than the world's main superpowers, even possesses such submarine missile-launch capacity? This is only a hypothesis, but certainly a much more reasonable one than "oops." In fact, we have been warning about such a scenario for a few years now. Flashback time: From The Anti-New York Time issue of April, 2017 (here)


"As it is in Syria, so too it is in the Korean peninsula. We are just one Israeli false-flag attack from being stampeded into another "Remember the Maine" moment. Such a stunt would actually be easier to pull-off under Korean waters than on Syria's land. You see, Israel's state-of-the-art submarines, sold to them at a deep-discount by the pathetic Germans, have the capacity to prowl all of the world's waters and even launch missiles. Who would dare to accuse "our ally" of taking out an American vessel in Korean waters? Or of hitting Hawaii? No, sir. That would be "anti-Semitic," don't you know?

We are not predicting this nightmare submarine scenario. Suffice it to say that the arrival of American warships in Korea and China's front yard will be an event fraught with danger on many levels."

The public has already been conditioned to fear North Korean submarine and missile attacks. Who would ever suspect Israel?


*End of flashback

One year before that article, in 2016, in a TomatoBubble piece titled, "Japan and Israel Plot Against China and North Korea" (here) we warned:

Once the game pieces have been set, a single false-flag torpedo blast from one of Israel's state-of-the-art German-made, nuclear-armed submarines could serve as the match which ignites the Pacific and draws Judaized-America into something horrific.


*End of flashback

We will not declare "nailed it" this time because A: This stuff is far too deadly serious to even give the appearance of gloating about, and B: We cannot declare Israeli treachery with 100% certainty. It's quite possible that the Globalist faction of the CIA has its own submarines and missiles. Another possibility is that a false alarm -- with no submarines involved. -- was triggered at HEMA in the hopes of inducing a U.S. first strike (leading to a North Korean retaliation). All that we will say is that we ain't buyin' this "oops" explanation. No way. And what makes this strange event all the more suspicious is that it came just weeks after numerous Fake News warnings of a "missile threat" to Hawaii. Here are just a few examples:
  • Newsweek (December 17, 2017): Hawaii Taking Major Steps To Prepare For Potential Strike From Kim(here)
  • Washington Post (Decemeber 1, 2017): Hawaii Tests Nuclear Alarms as North Korea Threat Escalates (here)
  • Los Angeles Times (November 10, 2017) As North Korean Threat Grows, Hawaii Prepares for Nuclear Attack (here)
That's known as "predictive programming," -- just like "they" did during the run-up to the 9/11 attacks. And right on cue, someone in Hawaii does an "oops." Yeah, suuuuure.

Israel wants war with North Korea, but so do the Globalists. With North and South Korea now talking again (thanks to Trump's pretended warmongering and behind-the-scenes peace maneuvers), the warmongers see their last hope for triggering World War 3 fading away.

Does the HEMA logo remind you of something? 

Boobus Americanus 1: Did you hear about the nuclear false alarm in Hawaii?
Boobus Americanus 2: Yes. Amazing what havoc one fat finger can wreak.

Sugar: Boobuss, you credulous cretin!!! The fat is between your frickin' ears!
Editor: And with that simple official explanation, everyone just goes right back to sleep -- both literally and metaphorically.

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