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11 enero, 2018

#Iran, #Israel and #Palestine

By Global Research News

Url of this article:https://www.globalresearch.ca/selected-articles-iran-israel-and-palestine/5625550

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Demonizing Iran: Mainstream Media Madness and US-Israeli-Saudi ‘Behavior’ Problems
By Robert Parry, January 10, 2018
There is a madness in how the mainstream U.S. media presents the world to the American people, a delusional perspective that arguably creates an existential threat to humanity’s survival. We have seen this pattern in the biased depiction of the Ukraine crisis and now in how Official Washington is framing the debate over the Iranian nuclear agreement.

Quaker Group Honored by Yad Vashem for Helping Jews During Holocaust Is Now Banned from Israel
By Philip Weiss, January 09, 2018
One of the special ironies of the weekend’s news that Israel is barring 20 international organizations from entry because they support BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) is the appearance on that list of the venerable American Friends Service Committee, or AFSC, which was founded 101 years ago as an antiwar organization.

Operation Blue Flag 2017 Air War Games: Israel’s “Fighter-Jet Diplomacy”. Hooking Up Israeli Forces with NATO
By Manlio Dinucci, January 09, 2018
European Leaders – from the EU’s foreign representative Mogherini to Premier Gentiloni, from President Macron to Chancellor Merkel – have formally stepped back from both the US and Israel on the status of Jerusalem. Is a rift between the allies emerging?

Syrian Army Reports Israeli Missile Attack on Greater Damascus
By Sputnik, January 09, 2018
According to Syria’s state media, the Syrian Army reported that Israel had attacked targets near the war-torn nation’s capital with jets and ground-to-ground missiles early on Tuesday, causing damage.

Iran in 2018
By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 06, 2018
In 1953 Washington and Britain overthrew the democratically elected government of Mohammad Mosaddegh and installed a dictator to rule Iran for the benefit of Washington and the British. In declassified documents, the CIA has admitted its role in overthrowing the Iranian government. The overthrow pattern is always the same. Washington hires protesters, then introduces violence, controls the explanation, and unseats the government.

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