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10 febrero, 2018

#US-#Turkey #Clash in #Northern #Syria. Turkey’s “#Operation #Olive #Branch”

By Global Research News

Url of this article:https://www.globalresearch.ca/selected-articles-us-turkey-clash-in-northern-syria-turkeys-operation-olive-branch/5626933

Ankara is militarizing the Afrin district of Syria with operation code-named “Olive Branch” to establish a “safe zone” along the Turkish-Syrian border. The district is controlled by US-backed People’s Protection Units (YPG) which are allegedly the target of the Turkish forces in the region. 
Will this invasion mount up the existential crisis in the Middle East? 
Read our selection of articles below and share it far and wide, post it on your social media accounts and discuss with your cliques.

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Turkey Invades Syria to Attack US-backed Kurdish Forces
By Halil Celik and Alex Lantier, January 23, 2018
This aggression by Turkey is a reckless escalation that will exacerbate the conflicts raging across the Middle East and intensify the danger of war between the major powers. With Moscow’s tacit support, Turkey is attacking the YPG, the backbone of the main US proxy force in Syria, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) militia. 

Kurdish Frictions: Turkey’s Military Campaign in Syria’s Afrin
By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 22, 2018
On Saturday, 72 Turkish jets targeted the Kurdish enclave of Afrin in Syria in an effort, codenamed Olive Branch, to remove, what Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdoğan called a terrorist threat across northern Syria.

US and Moscow “Green Light” Turkish Aggression in Northern Syria
By Stephen Lendman, January 22, 2018
Russia is going along with Turkish aggression in northern Syria. Instead of condemning it, its Foreign Ministry urged restraint, an unacceptable response, Ankara taking full advantage.
NATO’s website has nothing about Turkey’s ongoing aggression, supporting it through silence.

Video: Syrian Troops Almost Closed Eastern Idlib Pocket
By South Front, January 21, 2018
US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson decided to say that Washington has no plans to create a 30,000-strong border force in northern Syria and claimed that the issue has been “misportrayed”.

Trump’s Plan B for Syria: Occupation and Intimidation
By Mike Whitney, January 21, 2018
On January 17, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson announced the creation of a de facto autonomous Kurdish state in east Syria that will be supported by the United States and defended by a US-backed “proxy” army of occupation.

US, Turkey React as Syrian Forces Move into Idlib
By Tony Cartalucci, January 20, 2018
The Syrian government with support from its Russian, Iranian, and Lebanese allies has embarked on a major military operation to retake parts of Syria’s northern governorate of Idlib. As it does so, the US and its regional allies are rushing to position themselves to ensure the permanent partition of Syria is achieved.

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