Claiming to be a high-level government insider, “Q” has been posting cryptic messages on 8Chan, unveiling the extent of the “deep state” while claiming that it is about to be taken down. Here’s a look at this mind-boggling phenomenon.
To some, “Q” is a hero, a patriot, and maybe even something of a savior. To others, Q is a troll conducting either an elaborate LARP (a live-action role-playing game) or a government-conducted PSYOP. At the center of it all: Hundreds of cryptic messages posted on a regular basis by an anonymous 8Chan user who claims to have “Q Clearance”, the “highest level of security within all departments”. (Although we don’t if Q is a man, woman or a group of people, the pronoun “he” will be used in this article for legibility).
Through short forum posts comprised of keywords, codes, riddles, questions, pictures, and bizarre computer commands, Q claims to be delivering the “biggest intel drop in known history”. Every few days, a piece is added to a gigantic conspiracy puzzle which, once understood, is said to unlock the truth about the powers that be. And nothing less.
Through his posts, Q describes a global elite that is evil, satanic, and bent on pedophilia. In his descriptions, this elite group deals with international human trafficking, it orchestrates false flag events to advance its agenda, and conducts occult rituals behind closed doors. It owns and uses Hollywood, mainstream media and social networks to control the narrative and to censor the truth.
While the above might not surprise the average “truther”, Q’s message has a startling twist: Donald Trump is actually raging a silent war against this globalist elite and is even brewing a major “counter-coup” to retake the American government. According to Q, Mueller’s investigation regarding Russian collusion is a front. In actuality, he’s about to indict hundreds of high-profile politicians and celebrities including the Clintons, Podestas, and Soros of this world. This operation is expected to cause intense turmoil and even riots.
Q followers refer to this period as “the storm” – a reference to Trump’s eyebrow-raising remark made on October 6th about a gathering of military officers being “the calm before the storm”. When asked what he meant, Trump responded: “You’ll see.”
Here’s a look at the main elements of the Q phenomenon.
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