Among us "conspiracy theorists" ™, emotions over Q run high with Q true believers quick to denounce disbelievers as "trolls," and the disbelievers denouncing Q followers as gullible fools or "Q-tards." Time will tell, but we remain optimistic skeptics.
From that "middle" point-of-view, we believe that the ultimate test of the existence of a "White Hat" coalition remains "9/11 truth." For if the most history-altering event since Pearl Harbor is not exposed as the false-flag operation that it truly was, then the downfall of some mid-level power players, or even scum like McCain the Insane, Killary and even Obongo himself, are, in the larger context of things, only good for a bit of fist-pumping entertainment, nothing more.
With that dream of dreams of seeing 9/11 exposed in mind, we present some images which maybe, just maybe, are intended to symbolize that which we have been longing for for nearly 17 years -- 9/11 truth. Now, please, don't you anti-Q's start hate-mailing! We are only presenting "food for thought"
September 11, 2001
Trump, on live TV, opines that Twin Towers were bombed.

From WOR TV Interview: "The World Trade Center was always known as a very, very strong building...This was an unbelievably powerful building. ... You had big heavy I-beams. .. How could a plane, even a 767, or whatever it might have been, how could it possibly go through the steel. I happen to think that they had not only a plane but they had bombs that exploded almost simultaneously because I just can't imagine anything being able to go through that wall. .... I think there was a plane with more than just fuel."
TV Commercial / Serta / Trump Luxury Suite Mattress

Sheep # 9 and Sheep # 11 atop twin pillars -- advertising a Trump Home brand mattress. Either Trump and the makers of the ad were mocking us --- or playing their own game of symbolism against the Globalists.
March 28, 2018 / Q Posting
Q alleges that in 2009, HRC (Hillary Rodham Clinton) -- the Secretary of State at the time -- blew up a plane carrying Beverly Ekert, a prominent and relentless 9/11 Truth Activist whose husband was killed on 9/11.

Just 6 days after preaching 9/11 truth to the new President Obongo, the widow Ekert -- who had refused to accept government hush money -- was dead.
Q's post:

Beverly Ekert's flight from Newark to Buffalo crashed on February 12, 2009. Q frequently reminds his followers to close watch his time stamps for clues. The timestamp of 22:17 (military time) is 10:17 -- the exact minute of the 2.12.09 crash (here)
April 10, 2018 / Q Post's photo
"Who is standing next to Pence & POTUS? Message? Bolton cleaning house. Out they go! A clean House is very important. - Q"
Observation 1: The man Q is alluding to is Admiral Mike Rogers -- the Director of the National Security Agency (NSA), Commander of the U.S. Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM) who can access the E-mails and monitor the phone calls of every Globalist criminal on the planet.
Observation 2: Why are the 20 military leaders standing on both sides of the trio of Trump, Pence and Mattis not symetrically positioned (10 & 10)? There are 9 on the left side, and 11 on the right side. Mistaken military precision? Or "Sicilian Message?"
9 on one side -- -- 11 on the other

If the giant sting operation referred to as "The Storm" is for real, the NSA could, through creative methods, legallyfunnel enough evidence to Trump and Mueller to take down a whole lot of bad guys. Since the days of the "Venona Intercepts" by which Army Intelligence was able to monitor the the communications of the communist traitors around Franklin D Roosevelt; to Globalist Dwight D Eisenhower's farewell warning about the "military industrial complex" which was surely monitoring his treason as well; the patriotic elements of the U.S. military have always kept a close watch on these criminals. The problem was, the information was never "actionable."
But if indeed the now-12 month investigation of Robert Mueller (an ex-marine himself) is actually an elaborate sting, then the NSA now has the means to "wash the fruit of the poisoned tree" so that Mueller can go after these demons by legal means, while pretending to go after Trump.
All we can do is hope. Stay calm, and stay tuned.

1 & 2. Trump, in yet another photo with military leaders, speaks of "the calm before the storm." leaving reporters puzzled and curious 3. Is the "Stormy" Daniels controversy part of the symbolism? Might she, like Mueller, actually be working with Trump?
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