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24 abril, 2018

How the #US #Engineers the #Truth

By Global Research News
Url of this article:https://www.globalresearch.ca/selected-articles-how-the-us-engineers-the-truth/5637485

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France’s President Macron Says He Wants to Build “The New Syria” together with the US
By South Front, April 23, 2018
The French President added that the US and its allies, including France, should also counter the influence of Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad and Iran. Macron even suggested that Russia and Turkey should play a role in his plans for “a new Syria.”

The ‘Mad Dog’ Speaks: Mattis Drops Syria Chemical Weapons Bombshell: “We Have No Evidence”
By True Publica, April 23, 2018
US Defense Secretary James Mattis dropped a political bombshell last week when he said the U.S. has no evidence to confirm reports that the Syrian government had used the deadly chemical sarin on its citizens.

Latin America in the Time of Trump: US Domination and The “Neo-Monroe Doctrine”
By Prof. James Petras, April 23, 2018
Monroeism is a joint venture involving Washington empire-builders and Latin American oligarchs, congressional coup-makers, presidential narco-swindlers and military-paramilitary thugs. To understand the ascendancy of the two century old Monroe Doctrine requires we examine the process – the means and methods which installed Trump’s satraps.

Fox in the Hen House: Why Interest Rates Are Rising
By Ellen Brown, April 23, 2018
The Fed is aggressively raising interest rates, although inflation is contained, private debt is already at 150% of GDP, and rising variable rates could push borrowers into insolvency. So what is driving the Fed’s push to “tighten”?

Video: Carla Ortiz Debunks the Alleged “Humanitarian Mandate” of the “White Helmets” in Syria. They Work Hand in Glove with Al Qaeda
By Carla Ortiz and Jimmy Dore, April 23, 2018
Bolivian actress Carla Ortiz debunks the humanitarian nature of White Helmets in Syria.
The non-profit organization is lauded by the corporate media for their unwavering efforts and determination to help Syrian civilians amid the ongoing crisis.

Rudy Giuliani and the Collapse of the WTC Towers on 9/11
By David Ray Griffin and Elizabeth Woodworth, April 23, 2018
One of the most surprising events of 9/11 was that New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani told ABC’s Peter Jennings in the morning that while he and his Emergency Management team – who were in a building at 75 Barclay Street where they had set up temporary headquarters after the Twin Towers were struck – had been warned that the World Trade Center was going to collapse, so they had decided to leave the Barclay Street building.

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