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04 agosto, 2018

#Child #Dies From #Meningitis 4 #Days Following #Vaccines

Child Dies From Meningitis 4 Days Following Vaccines, 
Health Officials Blame Unvaccinated Child

According to a report by WTVR, Killy Schultz, a 4-month old infant, passed away on June 30th just 24 hours after coming down with a fever and rash. The child had just been picked up from daycare when the symptoms occurred.

“He had just eaten his bottle for the afternoon. He was a little warm, but we figured it was a warm day so get him home and let him cool off,” Killy’s mother, Alex Dempsey, said.

Alex gave him Tylenol, but that seeming failed so she took him tot he emergency room. His condition became increasingly dire and he eventually succumbed to his illness.

“He was still trying to make little sounds, but he had a hard time opening his eyes and his blood pressure was very low. He wasn’t doing well at all,” said Dempsey.

Doctors told Alex, just before her son’s passing, that they believed her son had contracted deadly meningitis, an illness that swells the membranes which server to cover and protect the brain.

“The moment they said meningitis I knew there was a really strong possibility that we were going to lose him,” explained Dempsey. “They told us we were going to hit the window if he was going to make it or not but being he was only four months old he didn’t really have an immune system to help us with that.”

Killy’s heart rate plummeted and CPR inevitably failed.

“He was so swollen and purple, and it really didn’t look like him anymore, but I still hold him to tell him how beautiful he was, and he was far more than I ever deserved to have, and I told him how hard he had fought, and that we were so proud of him,” she said.

Two days prior, the child received vaccines as part of his four-month well-visit with the family’s pediatrician.

Health care officials, however, are blaming an unvaccinated child for Killy’s contracting of meningitis. While they don’t have a name of a child they believe to be both unvaccinated and a carrier, or former carrier, of meningitis, they are putting that forth as their working theory.

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