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09 agosto, 2018

The Next #Financial #Crash? #ClimateChange

By Global Research News

Url of this article:https://www.globalresearch.ca/selected-articles-the-next-financial-crash-climate-change/5649984

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Depositors – Not Taxpayers – Will Take the Hit for the Next ‘2008’ Crash Because Major Banks May Use the ‘Bail-In’ System
By Barbara G. Ellis, Ph.D., August 08, 2018
The Federal Reserve’s recent undermining of the Volcker Rule brings depositors closer than ever to a Cyprus-style “bail-in” in another 2008 crash. And all signs indicate another is on the way. This time, however, many U.S. banks may confiscate deposits to stay solvent because the Dodd-Frank law bars them from touching taxpayers’ monies. Indeed, most major banks have been planning the “bail-in” tactic ever since Dodd-Frank.

14 Lies /Myths That Big Pharma and Their Academic Psychiatrists Teach Medical Students
By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, August 08, 2018
“The FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) tests all new psychiatric drugs”
False. Actually, the FDA only reviews studies that were designed, administered, secretly performed and paid for by profit-driven, multinational pharmaceutical companies or farmed out by those companies to private research firms, in whose interest it is to find positive results for their employers. Unsurprisingly, such collaborations virtually guarantee fraudulent results. 
Russians and Saudis
By Andrew Korybko, August 08, 2018
Officially called the “No Oil Producing and Exporting Cartels Act”, NOPEC is the definition of so-called “lawfare” because it enables the US to extraterritorially impose its domestic legislation on others by giving the government the right to sue OPEC and OPEC+ countries like Russia because of their coordinated efforts to control oil prices.

Japan’s Hashima Island: Brutal History and the Most Haunted Island on Earth
By Andre Vltchek, August 08, 2018
The sites, including the notorious Hashima/Gunkanjima, eventually gained world heritage status. In exchange, both South Korea and China expected Japan to highlight the suffering of their people during the occupation and WWII. The sites where forced laborers used to be held, were supposed to carry clearly marked and detailed explanations. But as in so many other cases related to its dark history, Japan did close to nothing to keep its side of the bargain. With the world heritage status, it got what it wanted, but gave almost nothing in return.

Hothouse Earth: Demise of the Planetary Life Support System?
By Dr. Andrew Glikson, August 08, 2018
It found the Earth was heading for a tipping point, known as a “hothouse” climate, which could lead to average temperatures up to 5oC higher than pre-industrial temperatures and rises in sea level of between 10 and 60 meters. Lead researcher Professor Will Steffen from the Australian National University (ANU) said at that point much of the earth would be uninhabitable. He explained that if human emissions raised global temperatures to 2oC above pre-industrial temperatures it could trigger earth system processes, or feedbacks, that could then cause further warming.

Venezuela’s Monetary Revolution Vis-à-vis Economic Sanctions
By Nino Pagliccia, August 07, 2018
Venezuela has undergone many challenges in the last twenty years since Hugo Chavez was elected president and continued after his death in 2013. The main reason is that Venezuela has taken seriously the internationally recognized right to be sovereign and establish its own social model. Violence has never been part of the model. However, violence has been the reaction of those who do not want to change the status quo despite people’s majority democratic electoral choice.

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