The former Auschwitz concentration camp is now a museum in Poland.
NY Times: German Idea to Fight Anti-Semitism: Make Immigrants Tour Concentration Camps
Even by the standards of today's Germany, this true story is one for the comedy writers. It seems that the Communists and sanctimonious libtards of Germany have been bitten in the rump by the law of unintended consequences. You see, by opening the immigration floodgates of dying Deutschland to Turd World replacement levels never before imagined, libtarded Germany is importing "alarming levels" of "anti-Semitism" ™ from the Middle East and North Africa.
Now today's German politicians are a "tolerant" ™ bunch. They can "tolerate" ™ lifelong welfare dependency among their new imports. They can "tolerate" ™ their high crime rates, and their high and rare disease rates. Heck, the "modern German" can even "tolerate" ™ the rape epidemic being inflicted upon his sisters and daughters. But when it comes to "anti-Semitism" ™ -- that heinous sin of all sins -- Germany must act!
Mamma Merkel's migrants aren't afflicted with German guilt over Jews and the Holohoax. What to do?
Of course, if these Africans and Arab "anti-Semites" ™ were White Yazidis from Syria, or White Berbers from Algeria, it would be a simple enough matter to arrest them for thought crime (like they do "Holocaust Deniers" ™), or deport them altogether. But because the Globo-Marxists need the "people of color" ™ as left-wing voters to eventually replace the native Germans, deportation is not an option. What to do? What to do?
From the article:
"Alarmed by displays of anti-Semitism among new immigrants to Germany, a German politician has offered a novel idea that appears to be gaining traction: required visits to Nazi concentration camp memorials.
The idea, proposed by Sawsan Chebli, a Berlin state legislator of Palestinian heritage, received a significant boost on Wednesday when the leaders of Germany’s Central Council of Jews and the far larger World Jewish Congress agreed with her."
Wow. Just wow.
This Palestinian-"German" lawmaker, Sawsan Chebli, wants to pull off a "two-fer" -- besmirching the name of her adopted country while brainwashing her own Arab people at the same time. Well played, Sawsan. You are sure to go very far in German politics. Germany’s all mighty "Central Council of Jews" will see to that.

1. In service to her Jewish masters, the "German" Sawsan Chebli spits in the face of Germans and Arabs at the same time.
2. The Frumpy Frau -- another ambitious hag who knows how to grovel before Germany’s "Central Council of Jews."
Oh well, if ya can't beat em', join em' --- as they say. In the spirit of "tolerance" ™ and "muliti-culturalism," ™Sugar and I, er, "The Editorial Board" of The Anti-New York Times wishes to volunteer its expertise and services for this noble effort to "educate" the "anti-Semitic" ™ invaders, er "immigrants" of Germany. Off to Poland we go, boys and girls, for our first orientation lesson for the new "Germans." My name is Mike King, and I'll be your tour guide:
"And here we have the soccer field, where inmates engaged in spirited and fun matches amongst themselves. --- And here we have the swimming pool, where they inmates cooled-off on hot summer days."

1. "As you can see, the living quarters were rather quaint, not unlike the dormitories at an Ivy League universities.
2."Anyone care for a swim?" 3. "Football was big in the camps. Jewish filmmakers even produced a documentary about the Jewish leagues."

"Lots of Jewish babies were born and cared for at Auschwitz. Some even get together at reunions from time to time." (here)
"This is a Soviet-era phony reconstruction of the 'gas chambers." The ruins of the what is said to the original "gas chambers" -- which tested NEGATIVE for "gas." (here)
"This concludes our guided tour. Thank you all for coming, and congratulations on becoming "Germans." Please enjoy a free autographed copy of my banned book, "The Bad War: The Truth NEVER Taught About World War II" --- and please share it with your new countrymen (but keep it on the down low -- lest you get arrested.)
Allahu Akbar, and Heil Hitler!"
Boobus Americanus 2: That's a fantastic idea. It's one thing to read about the horrors of anti-Semitism, but to actually witness the history of it should shock many anti-Semites back to their senses.
Editor: If the chumps who get frog-marched through Bullshwitz each years possessed even basic critical thinking skills, the sights themselves would actually convince then that the whole story is a hoax.
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