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Flight MH17, Ukraine and the Civil War
By Prof. Kees van der Pijl, September 22, 2018
On the margins of D-Day celebrations in Normandy in June 2014, Poroshenko agreed with Putin to start talks on a ceasefire, for which a Russian emissary arrived in Kiev on the 8th. On 24 June the Russian Federation Council revoked the authority granted to Putin in March to deploy Russian troops in Ukraine. Moscow had already indicated it did not want the Donbass insurgency to lead to secession when it refused to honour a referendum on the issue.
The Gamification of Tyranny, The Surveillance State. America and China
By Kurt Nimmo, September 22, 2018
In China, the supposedly communist state—in fact, it is an advanced form of crony capitalist authoritarianism that Marx [and Mao] would have disapproved—is busy setting up a rating system for all citizens. According to a paper written by an academic at the Lebanese American University in Beirut, Lebanon, scores are based on professional conduct, corruption, type of products bought, peers’ own scores, and tax evasion.
Can the Downing of Russia’s IL-20 be the Beginning of the End for Israeli Hubris?
By Askiah Adam, September 22, 2018
The 9/11 Anniversary: Conspiracy Theory or Critical Thinking?
By Prof. Graeme McQueen, September 22, 2018
On the 17th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks that let loose so much international violence, the public has a right to ask what really happened on that day. Here are eight points to ponder.
Video: The New Iron Curtain. “The Russian Menace”
By Manlio Dinucci, September 22, 2018
Latvia is presently building a metal fence, 90 kilometres long and 2.5 metres high, along its frontier with Russia. It will be finished before the end of the year, and will be extended in 2019 along more than 190 kilometres of the frontier, for a planned cost of 17 million Euros.
Rio de Janeiro’s Rocinha Favela and the Future of Urbanism
By Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin, September 21, 2018
It is believed at least 70,000 people live in Rocinha (some estimates suggest more than double that number), living in houses made from concrete and brick. It is officially described as a neighbourhood and has very basic sanitation, plumbing and electricity. Rocinha also has shops, hairdressers, banks, art galleries and many other businesses. The word favela itself is derived from a skin-irritating plant of the spurge family: removing these plants to live in these areas was not easy so the people called the hills after the plant.
Syrian Activist Nidal Rahawi Provides Rare Insight into the Deteriorating Conditions in the Northeastern Region
By Nidal Rahawi and Sarah Abed, September 21, 2018
In this exclusive interview Syrian Nationalist/Outspoken Activist/Artist Mr. Nidal Rahawi a Qamishli native and resident, provided us with crucial direct insight into the most recent tragic events that have taken place in his hometown in north eastern Syria.
Syria’s War for Peace
By Mark Taliano, September 21, 2018
There is a great deal of discussion about saving civilian lives in Syria, as there should be. Missing from the discussion, however, is the most important point. If Western policymakers were genuinely concerned about saving civilians, they would not have waged this Regime Change war in the first place.
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