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12 marzo, 2019

#ElChapo gave #Hillary $15 Million USD!

Jim Stone
Freelance Journalist

El Chapo gave Hillary $15 million USD!

Maybe this was a huge story I missed? Can't find an American version though . . . . . and zero comments because it was released in Mexico, IN ENGLISH.

The New York Times has separate editions for Latin America, and in their Mexican edition, they clearly printed that El Chapo sent Hillary $15 million USD, laundered through a bank account Hillary had in the Cayman Islands, and then she laundered it into the Clinton Foundation.

UPDATE: It says above the page was archived until March 9 of 2019. but if you actually click through, it only archived in January 2017, all other archive links blank page.

I went to great lengths to see if this story was a hoax, and it is not. It was captured in the Wayback machine and the original appears to be expunged. They killed the entire domain this appeared on, probably over this, now handled via re-direct If you copy the base URL without the MX on it, it takes you to the New York Times. But if you add the MX, it takes you to a generic page, that references in the whois as registered in 2018.
PROBLEM: The Wayback machine has this archived Jan 2017, which means there's no way the .mx extension could be a totally freshly registered by someone else, the NYT realy did own this when the Wayback machine captured it. Evidently the New York Times needed to bury this and to save Hillary they killed a URL extension over it. Here is the link to the Wayback machine that proves this existed. 
Try copying it any way you like right out of the Wayback machine to try to get it to work. It does not. WHY NOT? 
Did a rogue reporter post this, only to be dripping from a heavy metal head wound the next day? Probably! A search of that reporter referenced by the Wayback machine returns ZERO, for both "The Times" and 'The New York Times". He's dead and deleted. OOPS, forgot to clean that Wayback machine! Here is what the link the Wayback machine captured goes to now.

The captured report above is listed as released for "Mexico and the Americas" which means everything south of the border. This never got published in the U.S., GEE, I WONDER WHY.

Most likely, the now vanished "Robertson" figured he'd squeak this out through the Latino edition and paid for it with his life. Subsequently, the NYT killed the entire sub domain over it, after all, this is Tsar Bomba on Clinton, a protected item worth killing anything over. Posted in English most likely because Robertson could not translate it nicely, thus explaining "zero comments". There has to be a reason why he no longer turns up anywhere and the Wayback machine did not screw this up. Subsequently the NYT then killed it all, while forgetting to clean the Wayback machine which absolutely WILL delete for the deep state. Damn immigrant hires screwing up and forgetting things like that! That kind of error really blows a cover up!

Dear New York Times: Please hire Americans to do your dirty work, because if you are not from American culture, you won't understand that to cover up A, you need to delete A+B.
Hire American. Because some people do not, and now we know that: The NYT owned this domain in 2017, idled it for 3 months as a blank page (probably to kill this report), sold it in May 2017 after which this continued to be "blank paged" yet still working with the page address, and was then re-registered to someone else in 2018 and that someone else kept the same page address working. The now vanished report does not return a 401, the page still exists, WHICH MEANS THE URL PROBABLY REALLY IS STILL ON A NYT SERVER WHICH IS RETURNING A HOAX "WE DON'T OWN IT, EVEN IN WHOIS, and that's BAD. If they sold that, it should return a 401. They even screwed that part up!

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