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05 abril, 2019

#Vogue: #Idea of #Male / #Female is #Wrong

A Teen Vogue Video Says:
“This Idea That the Body Is Either Male of Female is Totally Wrong”

Teen Vogue, a magazine marketed directly to young people, posted a video on YouTube where various speakers dismiss the science that differentiates the male and female sexes. It is yet another blatant example of the agenda to blur genders.

By Vigilant Citizen

Teen Vogue recently posted a video on YouTube entitled 5 Common Misconceptions About Sex and Gender and it is … quite surreal. The YouTube description says: “7 Activists and LGBTQIA+ people debunk common misconceptions about sex and gender”. In the video, various speakers (none of them in the field of science) dismiss scientific facts about the human body to replace them with artificial constructs.

To be honest, this was difficult to watch. Because it is NOT about the right of people to live their lives in whatever way they feel happy and comfortable. It goes way beyond, into a strange territory of delusion and social engineering. It is about superseding science and replacing it with a radical and extreme agenda that denies the existence of two sexes. And this is posted by a magazine that caters to young people.

Here’s the video.

Here are some “lowlights”:

The video begins with Belgian model Hanne Gaby Odiele who says:

“Binary is bullsh*t.”

Then, Maria Trida, a producer at Teen Vogue says:

“This idea that the body is either male or female is totally wrong!”

Then, the video adds a thick layer of confusing, non-scientific “facts” to explain sex.

“We all have characteristics that are typically male and typically female, and it is really about political choices, social factors, ideological choices, that we assign meaning to different parts of our body. So, the meaning may be that they meant, most of us are taught that if you have a vagina, you’re a girl; or if you have a p---s, you’re a boy.”

Then the video attacks the fact that chromosomes determine the sex of a human being.

“Saying that a person with XY chromosomes is only male is a narrow way to look at the diverse range of chromosome differences that we can have as a person.”
“Too many people still believe that there’s such a thing as a true sex and that it comes from your chromosomes. It’s not the case. Science has known this for decades, and it’s actually a consensus in science and uncontroversial.”

Then the video explains that a trans woman (a man who decided to become a woman) is actually a biological woman. The video insists that all of the body parts of a trans woman are actually female body parts. One trans woman in the video says:

“My biology is the biology of a woman, regardless of whether or not doctors agree.”

In short, the video wants you to ignore what your eyes can clearly and to embrace a complex and confusing agenda that denies sex and gender.

What we appear to be witnessing is called Lysenkoism:

“Lysenkoism can be used metaphorically to describe the manipulation or distortion of the scientific process as a way to reach a predetermined conclusion as dictated by an ideological bias, often related to social or political objectives.”
– Wikipedia, Lysenkoism

Like most attempts by mass media to blur genders, the video was not well received at all. Here are the first comments one reads under the video.

If you scroll down, the comments keep going.

Sadly, this is not the first attempt by mass media to indoctrinate young people with this agenda. Here’s a segment from the Netflix show Bill Nye Saves the World. Set your face to cringe.

In Conclusion
The gender blurring agenda is strong and it has been going on for years. The fact that it is being pushed by the world’s major media outlets tells us that it comes straight from the elite. Why? For many reasons. The main one: They want people to be debased and removed as far as possible from anything that makes them grounded and in harmony with life and nature. I mean, they want young people to be confused about being male or female – a basic (easily observable) building block of human life.

Here’s what they’re looking to creation: A population that is lost, confused and depressed. Because these people are the easiest to control and manipulate.

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