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05 septiembre, 2019

#Insane #German #SelfAbuse Over #Swastikas

NY Times: German Theme Park Shuts Swastika-Shaped Ride
The park’s owner said he had not noticed the ride’s resemblance to the Nazi symbol. Public display of the swastika is banned in Germany, where anti-Semitic crimes are on the rise. 


For the mental inmates of occupied Germany, obedient and unremitting self-flagellation to the tune of the song that never ends about the event that never happened is part of the national religion. As paradoxical as it may seem, Germans express their "national shame" ™ with an intense national pride that reeks of self righteousness, moral superiority, and grotesque virtue-signalling. The holier-than-thou psychosis conveys a sentiment of: "Because I am so deeply ashamed of myself and my people; I am, therefore, a better person than you!" 

Yes indeed, Boobus Germanicus is insanely proud of not being proud and arrogantly superior in his declared inferiority. And this unintentionally satirical story about the "Nazi ™ amusement park"
perfectly illustrates the demented dichotomy of doomed Deutschland.

German tennis legend Boris Becker (Image 1) and German "super-model" Heidi Klum (2) could have married any German partner that they wanted to. But both showed the world how noble and morally superior they were by marrying, and having children with, "people of color ™." (Before, in both cases, cheating on their colored spouses and later divorcing.) // 3. Foolish frauleins greet the never-ending hordes of "refugees" with welcome banners (many written in English so that the outside world can read them) and declarations of love. -- "You see! You see! Vee are not Nazis!"

I know gentlemen ... I know...

From the article:

"An amusement park in Germany shut down a new attraction this week after complaints that it resembled a pair of giant, spinning swastikas that lifted riders into the sky over the Black Forest town of Löffingen.

The ride, called the Eagle’s Flight, included a set of four eagle-shaped cars, each connected at a right angle to a central axis, giving it a swastikalike appearance ....

Rüdiger Braun, the owner of the park, told reporters from the European Broadcasting Union that until the backlash, he had not noticed the ride’s resemblance to an iconic symbol of Nazi Germany. He apologized “to all persons who feel disturbed and insulted by our design” and said that the ride would be redesigned to have three cars on each arm instead of four. 'Then we will have this problem under control,' he said. When the ride was first noted on social media earlier this month, the reaction was a predictable stew of outrage, mockery and tasteless humor."

The "problem" is now under control, eh? (palm to face, sighing, shaking head). Like we said, this piece is a satire of itself. No rebuttal necessary.

1. Mr. Braun! Tear down that ride! // 2. In 2017, a 38-year-old German man evaded charges of drug-dealing, but was then ratted out by his ex-girlfriend and criminally charged for baking images of The Great One into slices of toast and posting the images to Facebook! (here) // 3. In 2010, a 54-year-old German man was ratted-out by a fellow bus passenger, and then arrested for having The Great One's voice for his cellphone ring-tone. (here)

Though we suspect that "the usual suspects" account for more than a few of the "outraged" social media complainers -- having met and chatted (over a few drinks) about politics / history with a trio of such zombified German tourists to New York about 10 years ago -- yours truly is absolutely certain that much of this uproar about nothing had to have come from native Germans as well. These poor people have been mind-raped so bad that they have actually grown to love the rapist -- and we're not just talking about the Marxists / libtard trash. The Merkel-loving "centrists" have got it just as bad. 

A closing note about the swastika -- It is not a "Nazi" (NSDAP) symbol and nor was The Great One the first use it. The design dates waaaay back to the Aryans of Central Asia. The name swastika comes from the ancient "mother tongue" of Sanskrit. It translates to: "conducive to well being." For milennia, the revered swastika was widely used as a symbol of divinity, spirituality, prosperity and good luck -- even in the West. It remains common in India -- a rich civilization which was founded by the same Aryan bloodlines of ancient Persia, Greece, Egypt etc. That is why, in the north of India, we still see many fair-skinned Indians who could easily pass as Europeans. And it is also why the ancient Aryan language of Sanskrit bears both structural and even word resemblance to Hindi, Latin, Greek, Slavic and Germanic languages.

One might say that the swastika was to our White / Aryan ancestors of the Caucuses (Caucasians) what the Star of David is to Jews. What a tragic farce that the Germans of today must now grovel before the latter symbol; yet will not (and cannot) tolerate so much as the mere sight of the former.
1. The German swastika and the Hindi swastika. // 2. "Nazi" Buddha // 3. European woman? Greek? Italian? Spanish? ... No! That's a fair Indian movie star of Aryan lineage. 

Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that an amusement park in Germany caused a controversy because one its rides resembled a swastika. The owner then changed the design.Boobus Americanus 2: Hitler's symbol of hatred, racial superiority, and the genocide of 6 million Jews has no place in civilized society.

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