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05 febrero, 2020

The #Future of #Palestine

With Sanders Headed to Victory, Iowa Democratic Party Blocks Release of Caucus Results

By Patrick Martin, February 04, 2020
An official statement from the Iowa Democratic Party claimed that there were “inconsistencies in the reporting of three sets of results” from each of the more than 1,700 precinct caucuses held across the state. The party statement did not explain the nature of the discrepancies or how they were to be remedied, except to claim that the issue was not the result of a hack or other external interference with the tabulation of the vote.

The Future of Palestine: Trump Attempting to Consolidate the Balfour Declaration

By Askiah Adam, February 04, 2020
With its obvious bias for Israel, President Trump’s so-called Deal of the Century or more accurately titled “Peace to Prosperity: A Vision to Improve the Lives of the Palestinian and Israeli People”, the Vision for short, released recently, is built on the late Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin’s vision of “less than a state” for Palestinians as prescribed by the Oslo Accords and approved by the Knesset and “not rejected by the Palestinian leadership of the time”. “In 1993, the State of Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organisation reached the first of several interim agreements, known collectively as the Oslo Accords.”

The Syrian Arab Army and Allies are Fighting the “Real War on Terror”

By Vanessa Beeley, February 04, 2020
Probably the most hideous propaganda to be spewed by the establishment media cartel in the West is that which portrays the Syrian Arab Army as some kind of militia, “Assad’s gang”, disconnecting these defenders of homeland from the people they are fighting for and dying for every day.

The Holocaust, the BBC and Antisemitism Smears

By Jonathan Cook, February 04, 2020
Senior BBC news reporter Orla Guerin has found herself in hot water of an increasingly familiar kind. During a report on preparations for the commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp, she made a brief reference to Israel and an even briefer reference to the Palestinians. Her reporting coincided with Israel hosting world leaders last week at Yad Vashem, its Holocaust remembrance centre in Jerusalem.

Palestine – “Deal of the Century” – or Fraud of the Century?

By Peter Koenig, February 04, 2020
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas demolished President Trump’s “Peace Plan” or, as the Donald called it, “The Deal of the Century”, calling out “Jerusalem is not for sale”, warning that the “conspiracy deal will not pass. The Palestinian people will reject it.” He added, “[the Plan] belonged to the dust bin of history”. And he is absolutely right. That is an understatement. Indeed, the Palestinians were never even consulted. President Abbas denounced the Plan as a “new Balfour Declaration”. Turkish President Erdogan said, “This is the plan to ignore the Palestinians’ rights and legitimize Israel’s occupation,” as quoted by Anadolu Agency.

Coronavirus Pandemic: Economic Disruption. China Bashing and Hate Campaign against Chinese-Americans

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, February 04, 2020
Immediately, starting on January 31st, the WHO instructed member governments to issue a health advisory to be filled in by air passengers Worldwide. The standard advisory targets anybody who has visited China or a country reporting coronavirus infections. Moreover, national governments have issued health warnings and level 4 travel advisories:  ‘level 4 – do not travel to all of mainland China’.

80 Percent of Irish Voters Want a United Ireland

By IrishCentral, February 04, 2020
As Ireland also prepares for a General Election on Feb 8 this poll is also strikingly pertinent. It shows that of those Irish voters who supported Sinn Féin in 2016, “54 percent want unity within the next ten years. This compares with 32 per cent of those who voted Fine Gael and 39 per cent of Fianna Fáil voters from 2016. Half of those who did not vote in 2016 want a united Ireland within the next decade.”

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