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22 diciembre, 2020

The #Coronavirus Is #Mutating

Prime Minster Boris Johnson announced a wholesale lockdown of London and southeast England on Saturday.

DECEMBER 21, 2020

NY Times: The Coronavirus Is Mutating. What Does That Mean for Us?

NY Times: Boris Johnson Tightens U.K. Lockdown, Citing Fast-Spreading Version of Virus

The variant is up to 70 percent more transmissible than earlier versions, officials said. 
Oh no! Just when you thought it was almost time to remove your mask, visit your favorite restaurant, go to the gym or hug a loved one at Christmas time --- out of locked-down / locked-in London comes word of a new and nastier Son of Coronavirus "mutation." Yes, that's right. Stupid-19 is about to become even Stupider 20 & 21. From the first-listed article:

"Just as vaccines begin to offer hope for a path out of the pandemic, officials in Britain on Saturday sounded an urgent alarm about what they called a highly contagious new variant of the coronavirus circulating in England."

From the other article:

"Alarmed by a fast-spreading variant of the coronavirus, Prime Minister Boris Johnson abruptly reversed course on Saturday and imposed a wholesale lockdown on London and most of England’s southeast, banning Christmas-season gatherings beyond individual households."

The for "variant" has already been approved by "The Editorial Board" of The Anti-New York Times -- "variant" . Just google the word and see why we fast-tracked its approval. And the "variant" is now said to be "dominant."
1. Vaccines are no match for Son of Coronavirus! // 2. Those airborne "spikes" sure look scary. // 3. Wait till kooky Karen hears about Stupid 20/21!

It is not by accident that the scriptwriters rolled out Stupider 20 / 21 at the precise moment in time that the "cure all" vaccines are being distributed. If Trump was hoping that his voluntary "Trump Vaccine" would pacify the normies and allow for the re-opening of Demonrat states still under severe restrictions, this countermove by the Deep State could put us back at "Square 1." More gobbledy-gook from the Slimes:

"The British variant has 23 mutations .... These mutations may allow the variant to replicate and transmit more efficiently, said Muge Cevik, an infectious disease expert at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland and a scientific adviser to the British government.

British officials said the variant was as much as 70 percent more transmissible — is based on modeling and has not been confirmed by lab experiments.

Scientists fear the latter possibility, especially: The vaccination of millions of people may exert enormous pressure on the virus to become resistant to the immune response, setting back the global fight by years."

Translation: (((They))) will keep the panic going by "mutating" the phony virus over and over again so that subsequent "variants"
remain "resistant" to the phony vaccines developed to fight them.
1. Bozo Johnson of the UK has announced a "mutation."  // 2. Son of Coronavirus -- The scariest bogeyman to come out of London since Mr. Hyde of  Jekyll & Hyde

* Maricon (not a typo, Spanish for fag) of France has closed off tunnel & ferry traffic to England.
France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Austria and the Netherlands have all declared that they will halt flights arriving from the UK. This event is likely also part of a larger plot among Globalists (Bojo included) to thwart the perpetually delayed "Brexit."

Bozo Johnson with the Boss -- "Sir" Jacob de Rothschild

Because there is an endless annual supply of old people dying from influenza, pneumonia, asthma, strokes, bronchitis, heart attacks, lung cancer and various other ailments which present symptoms involving fever and/or breathing difficulties -- and also because the PCR tests are deliberately manipulated in a manner (amplification cycles) designed to yield false positives -- Stupid 20/21 can easily "mutate" its way into Stupid 22, 23, 24 etc. After all, is it not clear by now that the dumb-as-dirt normies all around us can be made to believe anything? Seriously, if some white-coated egghead on the TV screen were to tell em' to eat dog-shit sandwiches as a means of preventing Stupid-19, watch how fast these demented drones start rummaging through your local park -- fresh rolls, lettuce, sliced tomatoes and mayonnaise bottle in hand -- in desperate frenzied search for one of Fido's freshly pinched-out brown loaves.

The only hope for an end to this mass masked madness is for Donald Trump to drop the hammer, remain in office, commandeer the Emergency Broadcast System, and then begin the process of explaining how and why (((they))) pulled off the hoax of Stupid-19 -- a scam of such colossal global proportions that it dwarfs -- both in scope and in depth -- any such previous hoax or false flag ever -- and that includes the Holohoax and the 9/11 False Flag.

This show CANNOT go on any longer.

Old People + Rigged Tests + Fake News = Perpetual "Pandemic" Deaths & "New Cases"
For the mass madness, global scope and sheer audacity of it all; and for the damage that is has done to and continues to inflict upon humanity; the Stupid-19-20-21 hoax surpasses even the Holohoax and the Fairy Tale of the 19 Arab hijackers of 9/11.
There is hope. High ranking White House official and trusted Trump confidante Dan Scavino:
"Trump will not be conceding."
(Tweeted on 12/19/2020)

Boobus Americanus 1:  I read in the New York Times today that the Coronavirus has just mutated into a new and even more contagious variant.

Boobus Americanus 2: Oh no! That means the new vaccines will be obsolete now!
St. Sugar: I hope they can come up with a vaccine for your sstupidity, Boobuss!

Editor: That would never work because Boobus's stupidity mutates with each day's fake news.

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