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11 enero, 2021

#Trump’s #Tumultuous #Departure, #Unrest at #CapitolHill

By Prof Rodrigue Tremblay, January 08 2021

During his four-year mandate, President Donald Trump did not rise to the challenge of being the competent head of a democratic state. He has instead attempted to install an autocratic rule in American politics.
By Stephen Lendman, January 08 2021

America’s road to hell is paved with diabolical intentions. 9/11 changed everything — followed last year by unleashing The Great Reset war on humanity (sponsored by the World Economic Forum) and Wednesday, January 6 orchestrated Capitol Hill violence.
By Abayomi Azikiwe, January 08 2021

A highly contested presidential election on November 3 coupled with the outcome of the runoff poll in Georgia which is determining the power relations within the United States Senate, has undoubtedly prompted further desperate acts by the supporters of outgoing President Donald J. Trump.
By Dr. Zuhair Sabbagh, January 08 2021

The following research article will explore three forbidden weapons that were and are still being used against the Palestinian civilians of the besieged Gaza Strip.
By Jonathan Cook, January 08 2021

But the perversity of Baraitser’s decision runs deeper still. Her refusal to free him, or put him in house arrest with a GPS monitoring tag, flagrantly contradicts the expert assessments she concurred with during Monday’s extradition decision: that Assange is at high risk of suicide.
By Pepe Escobar, January 08 2021

Julian Assange was – at the last minute – discharged on theoretically humanitarian grounds. So the case had, in effect, ended. Not really. Two days later, he was sent back to Belmarsh, a squalid maximum security prison rife with Covid-19. So the case is ongoing.
By Chien-Te TsengElena Sbrana, and et al., January 08 2021

This article was originally published in April 2012. It pertains to Severe acute respiratory syndrome, SARS-CoV (2002) which has, according to the WHO and the CDC similar features to SARS-CoV-2. This article is of relevance to the current debate and analysis pertaining to the Covid-19 vaccine.
By Robert Fantina, January 08 2021

One can only imagine the risk when some citizens of a small country conceal hundreds of thousands of weapons and explosives. The nation becomes a powder keg, awaiting one small mistake to spark a deadly explosion. This is the situation currently in Albania.
By Dr. Richard Hanania, January 08 2021

If there was a major intellectual thread running through Trump’s foreign policy, or at least that of the people he appointed, it was that confronting China was the national security issue of our time. America during the Trump era was single-minded in its focus on turning up the pressure on Beijing.
By Philip Giraldi, January 08 2021

It is largely accepted that the most powerful advocate of the sanctions regime is Secretary of State Michael Pompeo, who has been the driving force behind recent sanctions directed against both China and Iran. If that is so he might well be challenged on one of the most bizarre and basically pointless applications of sanctions in recent years.

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