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19 abril, 2021

Is "#Biden" Working for #Trump?


Senator Edward J. Markey of Massachusetts and other Democrats spoke at the Supreme Court about adding more justices to the bench. APRIL 18, 2021

NY Times: Democrats’ Supreme Court Expansion Plan Draws Resistance

Lawmakers and activists say more justices are needed to rebalance the court, but a top Democrat said any action would have to await the work of a new presidential commission.

A group of House and Senate Demonrats have actually gone ahead and introduced extremely controversial and unpopular (even among normies and some libtards) legislation to pack the Supreme Court with four additional communist lawyers --- fundamentally altering the Court's traditional 9-member panel to 13. Yet, as the article itself confirms, the bill is "unlikely to move forward even with Democrats in control of Congress, at least not before a new commission named last week by President Biden completes a study."  

Relax, boys and girls. Let them have their "commission." There ain't no way this is going to happen. So then, why squander political capital in creating such a backlash in the first place? What's really going on here? Before we explain our theory as to the motive behind this sure-to-fail court-packing proposal, let's revisit the political disaster of Franlkin Demono Rosenfeld's previous failed attempt to pack a conservative court with additional commies in robes.

St. Sugar -- fire up the Time Machine and set the dial for 1937.

1 & 2. The Demonrat sponsors of the "Judiciary Act of 2021" looked like a quartet of masked buffoons standing before a mysteriously abandoned Supreme Court building. // 3. Biden's emboldened opponents in both conservative media and government are already "making hay" over this unpopular scheme.
By 1937, the U.S. Supreme Court had shot-down some of the more radical proposals of FDR's communistic "New Deal" as being unconstitutional. In order to tilt the balance of power back in his direction, the vile charlatan proposed the "Judicial Procedures Reform Bill" --- a court-packing plan to add as many as 6 more justices to the Court. Roosevelt's purpose was to obtain favorable "rubber stamp" rulings regarding his Bolshevization schemes. The bill would have granted FDR the power to appoint additional Justices for every member of the court over the age of 70 (who FDR openly mocked as "nine old men". FDR's outrageous scheme was so unpopular that many in his own party began to distance themselves from him.

Not only did his horrible power grab fail, but the popular backlash against it contributed to the devastating losses which the Dems would suffer in the 1938 "mid-term" Congressional elections (-8 in Senate, -81 in House). Historians, both real and fake, do concur that the infamous "court packing scheme" of 1937 was FDR's biggest political blunder.

Even many of FDR's Democrat supporters and the press were shocked by FDR’S infamous 'Court Packing Scheme.' Cartoonists mocked FDR's doomed scheme.
Now, today's Demonrats cannot possibly be ignorant of FDR's blunder and its consequences; nor are they unaware of just how unpopular and impossible such a modern day effort would also be. Indeed, when asked about these court-packing schemes during last year's election campaign, both "Biden" and Commiela Whoress -- knowing how unpopular the idea would be -- repeatedly dodged the question. So, why are the D's -- who hold such razor-thin margins in both the House and Senate -- even considering such an impossible, even suicidal initiative? Can they, and their high-paid professional pollsters and marketeers really be that politically stupid? Or is there something else at play here?

More and more we are coming to believe that the slowly unfolding Demonrat implosion is the product of design -- not dementia. If it seems as though the apparent imposter Biden and other D's (both real and fake) are miscalculating so badly that it makes "the good old days" of Trump seem like the best of times --- well, perhaps it's because Trump & Friends are the ones ordering the submissive Dems to self-destruct? Go ahead and throw cyber-tomatoes at yours truly, but Q did indeed tell us, in no uncertain terms, that both anti-Trump Repubs as well as Demonrats would, in due time, be placed under a form of "cooperate or else" submission. And blowing themselves up with this doomed court-packing nonsense fits perfectly into such a "plan" -- as does Biden and the D's ongoing "failure" -- notwithstanding their radical rhetoric -- to actually reverse so many of Trump's policies.

On an almost-daily basis, "mainstream" press headlines seem to express confusion over the lingering Trumpism of "Biden" on important issues such as tax cuts (here) -- steel tariffs (here) -- China trade policy (here) -- Afghanistan troop withdrawal (here) -- refugee caps (here) -- immigration (here) -- foreign policy (here) -- and regulations (here). It turns out that even Biden's January Executive Order to rejoin the Paris Climate Scam has "no teeth" to it (here) -- and neither does his EO on guns (here)---- Ya know, this imposter "President" Biden might not be as bad as he sounds, after all.

Man, this stuff just keeps getting weirder and weirder.

Are they being TOLD TO embarrass themselves?
1. The masked moron sits in a fake Oval Office signing blank pages. // 2. Stumbling stuttering "Joe Biden" falls THREE TIMES going up the steps. // 3. First Lady "Dr." Jill Biden (who will turn 70 in a few weeks) does the slut-walk while sporting a miniskirt, fishnet stockings (!) and ankle boots.

Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that the a group of Democrats  introduced legislation to add 4 more justices to the Supreme Court.

Boobus Americanus 2: I really don't think that's a good idea.

St. Sugar: Ya see! Even a dolt like Boobuss won't go along with thiss!

 Editor: Which would certainly be consistent with "the Plan" to wipe out the Demonrat Party.

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