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25 agosto, 2022

Mexican President Spits in Globalists´ Faces


AUGUST 18, 2022

NY Times: Mexico Sees Its Energy Future in Fossil Fuels, Not Renewables


Yet another sign that The New World Order is dying -- Mexico's pro-Trump president -- Andrés Manuel López Obrador (nicknamed AMLO) is "putting up roadblocks to renewable energy" and "leaving Mexico’s climate goals behind."

From the article:

"The president of Mexico celebrated his government’s latest triumph: a new oil refinery. President Andrés Manuel López Obrador hailed the refinery as a centerpiece in his grand campaign to secure Mexico’s energy independence.

“We ignored the sirens’ song, the voices that predicted, in good faith, perhaps, the end of the oil age and the massive arrival of electric cars and renewable energies,” he told the cheering crowd.

At a moment when scientists are sounding alarms about the need to move away from fossil fuels that contribute to catastrophic climate change, there has been a global shift in the opposite direction, with the United States and European countries moving to increase oil and gas production.

But Mexico is going even further."

Oh the butthurt among the Climate Con crowd as more and more countries are now openly ignoring the "historic" Paris Climate Accords -- which Trump pulled the United States out of and which still
remain toothless after "Joe Biden" supposedly "rejoined" in a half-ass way. The best line in this article perfectly illustrates the level of contempt and sarcastic disrespect which more and more foreign leaders are now openly showing towards the weakening former Masters of Planet Rothschild:

"Mr. López Obrador, during a news conference, appeared to shrug off the United States’ warning, playing a video of a Mexican song called “Ooh, How Scary.”

Tell it AMLO. Tell it!

MAKE MEXICO GREAT AGAIN (or at least sovereign)

1. AMLO is an open admirer of Trump // 2. And phone buddies with Putin. // 3. Has Greta Gloomberg been Gitmo'd or something? The nasty joyless little she-devil seems to have disappeared.


The Globalist "Brookings Institute"

The Council on Foreign Relations

AMLO's "politically incorrect" positions on the Climate Con and Vlad the Bad are a significant development because oil-rich Mexico has, for a very long time, been under the influence of the United States -- the main enforcement arm of the New World Order. Indeed, the colossus of the north actually got Mexico to declare war on Germany and Japan in 1942. A Mexican air squadron saw action in the Philippines; but the country's main contribution to the great war for Globalism was the ramping up of its industrial and energy production for the evil effort to keep Stalin's Asiatic hordes up and running westward.

Mexican politicians, again, in service to Globalism, joined up with their American and Canadian counterparts in establishing NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) -- which was the skeletal structure of a North American Union that was supposed to progress along the lines of the European Union. Thanks to Trump, that grand project has also fizzled out.

About one month after the false flag terror attacks of 9/11/2001, Mexico -- which had hesitated in joining the "coalition of the willing" led by the criminal Bush / Cheney regime -- was also targeted with false flagism by the Israelis. Fortunately, the scheme was foiled when two Mossad agents -- armed with guns, explosives & grenades, and carrying fake passports -- were caught red handed inside of the Mexican parliament building (here). Though the Mexican government never really fully signed on to "The War on Terror" -- neither did it ever utter a peep of protest over the incident. After a week or so of Israeli diplomatic pressure, the terrorists were set free.

Bomb in San Lazaro

1. Mexican airmen during World War II. // 2. The NAFTA regional government scam was started under Bush I, and wrapped up under Clinton. // 3. Mossad agents tried to blow up the Mexican parliament in San Lazaro Plaza. The Mexican press ran the story for one day, then dropped it like a hot taco.

*Editor's Note: I had a hard time finding the San Lazaro image again on Google. The Internet is being scrubbed!

It wasn't that long ago when any world leader who pushed back against the NWO agenda either found himself mired in some politically destructive "scandal" --- or facing a "spontaneous" uprising known as a "color revolution" -- or straight up killed. The fact that AMLO of Mexico, Lukashenko of Belarus, Orban of Hungary, Bolsonaro of Brazil and others are flipping middle fingers at the Globalists -- and getting stronger in the process -- is a very positive indication that the international White Hats have turned the ship around.

Just remember, none of this would be happening had that Satanic shrew, Killary Clinton, been elected in 2016.

Viva Mexico!

1. Bolsonaro & Trump // 2. Orban & Trump // 3. Trump "ditched the witch" -- and the world is being liberated.

Boobus Americanus 1: I read in The New York Times today that Mexico's president is blocking the development of green energy renewables and favoring fossil fuels.

Boobus Americanus 2: Fossil fuels ... bad.

St. Sugar: Oil doessn't come from liquefied dinosaur fossil, Boobuss! The earth makess the sstuff in the mantle (here).

Editor: Ironic, isn't it? Renewables (such as non-recyclable solar panels and windmills) aren't actually renewable at all --- whereas earth-created oil is actually renewable.



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