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18 septiembre, 2022

Ukraine: US Launches a Fascist Government, and World War III?


By Dr. Gautam Das, September 06, 2022

As a part of global co-ordinated response, the national and international media dutifully carried scary headlines to sound the loudest alarm bell. Even some experts expressed their deep anguish on rapidly closing window of opportunity for containing global outbreak!
By Shane Quinn, September 05, 2022

The really decisive fighting in the First World War occurred during the opening few weeks of the conflict having broken out. The war’s outcome rested on the success or failure of the German Empire’s Schlieffen Plan, named after its principal strategist Alfred Graf von Schlieffen.
By Ellen Brown, September 05, 2022

Particularly urgent today is infrastructure to counteract the record-breaking drought in the U.S. Southwest, where 50% of the nation’s food supply is grown. Subsidies for such things as the purchase of electric vehicles, featured in the IRA, will pad the coffers of the industries lobbying for them but will not get water to our parched farmlands any time soon.

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