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16 octubre, 2022

ALARMING maternal and infant death rates in U.S. raise questions about prenatal care


prenatal-care-harms-unborn-babies(NaturalHealth365)  Welcoming a new baby can be one of the happiest moments in life.  Yet, many families find their birth stories rife with medical complications or tragedy.

Research shows that the United States has one of the worst maternal and infant mortality rates of any developed nation.  How can this be in a country touted as one of the wealthiest?  A grim healthcare system and subpar prenatal care practices may be the answer.

Why does the U.S. have such alarming maternal and infant death rates?

The U.S.’s infant and maternal rates have been described as “disgraceful.”  High mortality rates during delivery and postpartum in the U.S. are shocking, considering that it’s one of the wealthiest nations in the world.

The Department of Health and Human Services aims to increase prenatal care access by 2030.  Yet only 6% of women who undergo childbirth receive little or no prenatal care.  Statistics show that most pregnant women may be subjected to as many as fifteen prenatal visits and still more tests and procedures over the course of their pregnancies.

Despite these multiple interventions, countless U.S. mothers face life-threatening pregnancy and childbirth complications.  This raises the question: do pregnant women really need all these prenatal visits and procedures?  Or could excessive prenatal visits and procedures actually do more harm than good?

Are “routine” tests and procedures harming our unborn children?

Although prenatal visits are meant to improve outcomes, there’s little evidence that more prenatal intervention is better.  Prenatal visits often involve invasive and high-tech testing and procedures, which could actually be detrimental.

For instance, ultrasounds are commonly performed throughout pregnancy.  Yet, ultrasound technology is based on non-ionizing radiation, which some experts believe is harmful to developing babies and may contribute to mutated genes, autism, neurodevelopmental delays, and even brain damage.

Genetic screening in the womb is another disturbing trend.  Such screenings may lead to unnecessary pregnancy termination.  Not to mention that corporations store sensitive genetic information on tiny, developing humans with no say in the matter.

On top of that, pregnant women are frequently tested for Group B strep and given preventative antibiotics that can increase their babies’ risks of thrush, yeast infections, and antibiotic-resistant infections.  Vaxxes are also routinely given to pregnant women, despite the risks of preterm labor, neurodevelopmental disorders, and miscarriage.

Additionally, some dietary recommendations to minimize saturated fat may rob children of healthy energy and fats.  The synthetic folic acid supplements recommended in pregnancy may be unmetabolized in a baby’s system.  Unmetabolized excesses of folic acid and other nutrients may increase the risk of problems such as autism and birth defects.

Tips for a healthy pregnancy and birth

Most pregnant moms just want the best for their families.  But unfortunately, prenatal care in the United States often leaves much to be desired.  Our society is filled with toxic chemicals, highly processed foods, and invasive technology.

Eating a balanced, organic diet and minimizing unnecessary tests and procedures may help increase your chances of a happy, healthy pregnancy and birth.

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