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14 octubre, 2022

Putin Declares Holy War on Globo-Satanism

Slimes Caption: President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia addressed a rally in Red Square celebrating Russia’s illegal annexation of four Ukrainian provinces.
OCTOBER 02, 2022

NY Times: In Defiant Speech, Putin Casts West as Russia's Enemy

Declaring that Russia would annex four regions of Ukraine, which the West rejects as illegal, the Russian president accused the U.S. and its allies of “despotism’’ and “Satanism.’’


Oh snap! Did Putin really say "Satanism?" We checked. Yes he did! And not just metaphorically or in passing either -- but "outright" Satanism.


"Now they have moved on entirely, to a radical denial of moral norms, religion, and family. The dictatorship of the Western elites is directed against all societies, including the peoples of the Western countries themselves. This is a challenge to all.

This is a complete denial of humanity, the overthrow of faith and traditional values. Indeed, The suppression of freedom is taking on the outlines of a ‘reverse religion,’ of outright Satanism. ... Do we really want to see perversions that lead to degradation and extinction be imposed on children in our schools from the earliest years, for it to be drilled into them that there are supposedly some genders besides women and men, and offered the chance to undergo sex-change operations?”

Tell it, Vladdy. Tell it!

Gored by Putin's Holy lance, the Piranha Press -- in unison -- is squealing over being called out for "Satanism." Wethinks Vlad the Bad is over the target, no?

* Editor's Note: Interesting timing with this Satanism stuff because Trump operative Steve Bannon recently described Pennsylvania Demonrat Senate candidate John Fetterman as being "someone who hangs out with Satanic Groomers."

The Russian crest features a knight trouncing the dragon beneath his horse's hooves. This is derived from earlier historical renditions of Archangel Michael trouncing Satan or St. George slaying the dragon.

EU Observer

New York Magazine


Journalism Professor // University of Texas at Austin

Following are more choice excerpts from a great leader who, after 20 long years of patient and cunning gradualism, is finally in a position of such strength that he may now deliver the truth with neither anesthesia nor apology -- and no longer having to politely refer to Globalist scum as "our western partners" but rather, as "Satanists" and "enemies."


"We will defend our land with all the powers and means at our disposal."

"In 1991, at Belovezh Forest, without asking the will of ordinary citizens, representatives of the then-party elites decided to destroy the USSR, and people suddenly found themselves cut off from their motherland. This tore apart and dismembered our nation, becoming a national catastrophe."

"The battlefield to which fate and history have called us is the battlefield for our people, for great historical Russia, for future generations, our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren."

"Even today, the United States actually occupies Germany, Japan, the Republic of Korea, and other countries, and at the same time cynically call them allies of equal standing."

1. Russia has liberated FOUR pro-Russian regions of Ukraine for good, in addition to the Crimea from 2014. And de-balled NATO can't do a darn thing about it because "Patriots Are Now In Control." // 2. The alleged "sabotage" of Russian pipelines by "Biden" is all just part of the movie. Relax, there won't actually be any World War III.

Putin's rhetorical gems and corresponding actions come from a man whom the passionate purists among us once criticized for being too soft on the West --- for playing footsies with Russia's Jewish Oligarchs (who have since fled Russia for Israel, UK and Dubai) -- for not recklessly invading Eastern Ukraine back in 2014 -- for attending a WEF convention when he was a young security operative -- for sucking up to Henry Kissinger -- for lighting menorahs with rabbis, etc. Let this serve as a strategic and historical lesson for ye of the backseat "Are We There Yet?" Chorus who get all worked up and start shrieking "psyop!" or "false opposition!" or "Jew puppet!" the moment one of our favorites utters something about "Covid," vaccines or Ukraine that sounds too Globalese for our taste -- or is discovered to have once attended an event sponsored by "fill-in-the-blank" -- or just said something way too conciliatory toward the usual suspects. Keep your eye on the ball, boys & girls -- not the head fakes!

When confronting a dangerous beast -- equipped with the power to implant thoughts into the malleable minds of many millions of normies -- it is calm, cunning, and temporary concessions -- not passionate frontal assaults -- that will win the war in the end. Of course, probably having had advance knowledge of the rise of Q and Trump surely must have made it much easier for Putin to wait out his "western partners."

He played the long game with Satan's minions until he no longer had to. Now, he is completely unchained.

Sun Tzu

The Maestro

“What is a unipolar world? However one might embellish this term, at the end of the day it refers to one type of situation, namely one center of authority, one center of force, one center of decision-making. It is a world in which there is one master, one sovereign. And at the end of the day this is pernicious not only for all those within this system, but also for the sovereign itself because it destroys itself from within.

- Vladimir Putin, 2015 Munich Speech

Available in pdf of paperback

Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that Putin just called western elites enemies and Satanists.

Boobus Americanus 2: Satanism? Putin sounds like a Q tard now!

St. Sugar: F%@* Ssatan, and all of hiss frickin' empty promisess, Boobuss!

Editor: Preach it, St. Sugar. Preach it!



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