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14 octubre, 2022

War Drums Beat Louder, World War III Looms Ever Closer


By Joachim Hagopian, September 27, 2022

Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD) from nukes destroying the earth in the Cold War days of the US-Soviet arms race has been replaced today by insanely mad neocon DC puppets promoting US “Nuclear Primacy,” or the West’s first strike advantage, plunging humanity headlong into an “end of the world” danger zone risking impending nuclear holocaust.
By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 27, 2022

The reaction from certain figures outside Japan left an impression of distorted admiration. There was Hillary Clinton’s cloying tribute about Abe being “a champion of democracy and a firm believer that no economy, society, or country can achieve its full potential if women are left behind.”
By Brett Redmayne-Titley, September 26, 2022

With another unelected Prime Minister continuing the Conservative Party’s forty-year destruction of the British family – sans the rich- and hyperinflation looming above a long predicted economic depression, let us examine the day’s headline on the ascent of Liz Truss.
By Steven Sahiounie, September 26, 2022

Lebanon and Israel are attempting to reach a deal on their shared maritime borders which could solve the financial, social, and political problems that Lebanon has been facing which almost brought the small nation on the Mediterranean Sea to ‘failed-state’ status.
By Tom Ozimek, September 26, 2022

New York police officers have scored a big win in their fight against the city’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate that cost some their jobs, with a New York Supreme Court judge ruling that the mandate—as it applies to members of the Police Benevolent Association (PBA)—is “invalid” and that fired cops must be given back their jobs.
By Edward Snowden, September 26, 2022

How can we judge the ultimate effectiveness of oversight and reforms? Well, the CIA plotted to assassinate my friend, American whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg, in 1972, yet nearly fifty years of “reforms” did little to inhibit them from recently sketching out another political murder targeting Julian Assange. Putting that in perspective, you probably own shoes older than the CIA’s most recent plot to murder a dissident… or rather the most recent plot that we know of.

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