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24 noviembre, 2022

Analysis on the US Midterm Elections. Voter Fraud?


By Stephen Sefton, November 15, 2022

The electoral victories of Gustavo Petro and Inacio Lula da Silva this year in Colombia and Brazil have raised hopes for a new strong impulse towards the full emancipation of Latin America and the Caribbean.
By World Beyond War, November 15, 2022

The United States of America, unlike any other nation, maintains a massive network of foreign military installations around the world. How was this created and how is it continued? Some of these physical installations are on land occupied as spoils of war. Most are maintained through collaborations with governments, many of them brutal and oppressive governments benefiting from the bases’ presence.
By Megan Redshaw, November 15, 2022

The latest death reported in this age group was that of a 10-year-old boy who died suddenly six days after receiving a third dose of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine. According to the report, “It is unknown if an autopsy was performed.”
By Rep. Ron Paul, November 15, 2022

Those searching for an explanation of why there was no “red wave” giving Republicans huge gains in Congress in this year’s midterm election should compare this year’s election with the midterm election of 2010. In 2010, Republicans gained a net 63 House seats. While Republicans then did not gain control of the US Senate, they did gain six Senate seats.

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