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03 enero, 2023

2008 Spy Paper "Predicted" Genocidal Pandemic "Before 2025."

By Mike King

St. Sugar the Conspiracy Cat just sniffed out and channeled a real gem for us. Of all the past hints and "prophecies" which the Globalists communicated to their Deep State henchmen about a future "pandemic," this find ranks high when it comes to pinpoint accuracy and shock value.

In a November 2008 report titled: Global Trends 2025: A Transformed World, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) -- the agency which oversees all intelligence agencies -- and the National Intelligence Council didn't just telegraph Stupid-19, but also "guessed" the time-window and foretold how many people were to have been genocided in America and worldwide.

Just to add a bit of critical context, the multi-topic report about a "transformed world" was published right about the time that Obongo was elected, marking the start of the Bildberger-certified "16-year plan" to finish off America once and for all with 8 years of Bath House Barry followed by 8 years of Killary Clinton. The math: 2009 + 16 = 2025.

The opening page provides the synopsis of the report:

"We prepared Global Trends 2025: A Transformed World to stimulate strategic thinking about the future by identifying key trends, the factors that drive them, where they seem to be headed, and how they might interact. It uses scenarios to illustrate some of the many ways in which the drivers examined in the study may interact to generate challenges and opportunities for future decision makers. The study as a whole is more a description of the factors likely to shape events than a prediction of what will actually happen."

Spy-Speak to English translation: These are our goals and secret programs for the coming 16 years.

The "study" covers issues like BRICS, the Climate Con, migration, terrorism, international trade etc. -- always from the Globalist perspective. But it is the "description of a factor" on page 75 -- which was not a "prediction," of course (rolling eyes) -- that really causes the jaw to drop and the blood to boil. As you read this evil excerpt, keep in mind that this scamdemic was supposed to have struck with the Satanic Witch Killary lording over us in her second term. Evidently, it was moved up a few years in order to strike at Trump during an election year (mail-in ballot fraud.)

Headlined Potential Emergence of a Global Pandemic, the entire 1-page item is copied below.

Page 75 of the report

The Deep State doesn't get any deeper than the DNI --- whose "scenario" of a "before 2025" global pandemic constitutes proof of a conspiracy.

Potential Emergence of a Global Pandemic
(bold emphasis and parentheticals in certain places are ours)

The emergence of a novel, highly transmissible, and virulent human respiratory illness for which there are no adequate countermeasures could initiate a global pandemic. If a pandemic disease emerges by 2025, internal and cross-border tension and conflict will become more likely as nations struggle—with degraded capabilities—to control the movement of populations seeking to avoid infection or maintain access to resources.

The emergence of a pandemic disease depends upon the natural genetic mutation or reassortment of currently circulating disease strains or the emergence of a new pathogen into the human population. Experts consider highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) strains, such as H5N1, to be likely candidates for such a transformation, but other pathogens-- such as the SARS coronavirus or other influenza strains—also have this potential.

If a pandemic disease emerges, it probably will first occur in an area marked by high population density and close association between humans and animals, such as many areas of China and Southeast Asia, where human populations live in close proximity to livestock. Unregulated animal husbandry practices could allow a zoonotic (from humans to animals) disease such as H5N1 to circulate in livestock populations—increasing the opportunity for mutation into a strain with pandemic potential. To propagate effectively, a disease would have to be transmitted to areas of higher population density.

Under such a scenario, inadequate health-monitoring capability within the nation of origin probably would prevent early identification of the disease. Slow public health response would delay the realization that a highly transmissible pathogen had emerged. Weeks might pass before definitive laboratory results could be obtained confirming the existence of a disease with pandemic potential. In the interim, clusters of the disease would begin to appear in towns and cities within Southeast Asia. Despite limits imposed on international travel, travelers with mild symptoms or who were asymptomatic could carry the disease to other continents.

Waves of new cases would occur every few months (variants). The absence of an effective vaccine (they would have waited years before coming up with their death jab.) and near universal lack of immunity would render populations vulnerable to infection. In this worst-case, tens to hundreds of millions of Americans within the US Homeland would become ill and deaths would mount into the tens of millions.

Outside the US, critical infrastructure degradation and economic loss on a global scale would result as approximately a third of the worldwide population became ill and hundreds of millions died.

A: US and global health organizations currently are working to develop vaccines that may prevent or mitigate influenza pandemics. A breakthrough in the next several years could reduce the risk posed by
pandemic influenza during upcoming decades.

B: How fast a disease spreads, how many people become sick, how long they stay sick, the mortality rate, and the symptoms and after-effects will vary according to the specific characteristics of whatever pathogen is responsible for a pandemic. This scenario posits plausible characteristics that fall within a
range of possibilities for these variables.

End ***

2008 Scenario / DNI Report
"If a pandemic disease emerges, it probably will first occur in an area marked by high population density and close association between humans and animals, such as many areas of China."


2021 Headline / Nature Magazine

The Guardian / January 30, 2020

FAKE! // Tell it, Church Lady. Tell it!

Let us review:

"Before 2025" -- "Coronavirus" --- "respiratory illness" -- "animal to human transition" -- "from China" --- "spread by air travel" -- "waves of new cases every few months" -- "hundreds of millions dead."

But not a "prediction," eh?

These demonic bastards had a long term plan to crush the world economy, cull humanity with their vaccine, and then nano-chip the survivors with the Bill Gates "666" technology. And they would have succeeded had Killary Clinton not been derailed by the man that some of "youse guys" are now attacking (and in some cases, defunding) little ol' me for defending.

Please share this amazing find.

*The full DNI.gov pdf of the report itself is linked here.

Page 75 of the official report, page 95 of the pdf: "Tens to hundreds of millions of Americans within the US Homeland would become ill and deaths would mount into the tens of millions."




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