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03 enero, 2023

America’s War Against the People of Korea: The Historical Record of US War Crimes


By Dr. T. P. Wilkinson, December 21, 2022

The only war in the official history of the United State that was lost, was also the first war in which Jim Crow, the apartheid regime created in the US after the Civil War and Reconstruction, was not the policy of the US military. How African-Americans came again to challenge the imperialist war machine in the 1960s cannot be understood without uncovering the decades of silence and deception that have covered the first war the US regime truly lost—although it has never officially ended.
By Kurt Nimmo, December 16, 2022

In a speech delivered in 2007, well before the current crisis, Vladimir Putin “reserved his bitterest complaints… for the US drive to expand Nato into former Soviet eastern Europe and for the plans to deploy parts of the missile shield in central Europe. ‘Why do you need to move your military infrastructure to our borders?’” he asked.
By Manlio Dinucci, December 18, 2022

The United States, the European Union, and other countries have so far “donated” about 100 billion euros of military supply to Ukraine. It is money directly or indirectly coming out of our pockets. This figure is constantly increasing. The European Union will train 15,000 Ukrainian soldiers in two camps in Poland and in another member state.

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