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03 enero, 2023

Picasso the Communist Con Artist

DECEMBER 27, 2022
NY Times: Maya Ruiz-Picasso, Artist’s Daughter and Inspiration, Dies at 87
As a girl she brought out a childlike quality in Picasso. 
As an adult she became an authority on his works.


The crazy "illegitimate" daughter of the crazy communist "artist" Pablo Picasso (who was married to another woman when he fathered her) has passed away. The death of Maya Ruiz-Picasso offers us a good "teachable moment" ™ to review what a crazy charlatan and degenerate fake her artificially puffed-up "legendary" father really was. By the way, the derogatory description of him as "crazy" is supported by a quote from the deceased Ms. Picasso herself (whose mother committed suicide in 1977).

From the article:

‘With two crazy parents, it’s amazing I came out normal."

Hmmm. Are you sure that you "came out normal," Ms. Picasso? There was, after all, that friendly biographer of your fraudulent father who speculated that you and daddy had an incestuous thing going on (
here) -- as is indeed further suggested by some of his own paintings and odd fixation with painting so many shitty portraits of you. Maya's fascination with her father's garbage tells us a bit about her mental state as well.

1. Picasso Portrait of young Maya with doll. // 2. Maya stands before a painting of an old bald man admiring a young nude woman. Could it be a self-portrait of the degenerate communist Picasso with his grown up daughter? (He painted her up until she was 18) -- Yeah --- I think so. // 3. Friendly biographer John Richardson with Picasso. Richardson believed that Pablo and Maya were "lovers" ---- sick!

1. Ugly // 2. Uglier // 3. Putrid Pablo drew a portrait of his idol, Joe Stalin.

Each one worth a fortune! Picasso: "Give me a museum and I'll fill it." (Not hard to do when you're churning out trash like this!)

How the heck did a degenerate weirdo like Picasso achieve such an astonishing level of "international acclaim" ™ -- still lasting nearly 50 years after his death? What powerful hand boosted this charlatan and his UGLY "artworks?"

Well, he was a Communist -- later self-exiled from Franco's Spain. That's always a career booster in the "art world." But going back further and climbing even higher up the ladder leading to immortality, we learn that a very young (in his early 20s) and unknown Picasso, had, by 1905, become a favorite of "American" art collectors Leo & Gertrude Stein (cough cough -- surprise surprise). Their older brother, Michael Stein also became a collector of his crap on canvas. Ghoulish Gerty -- since relocated in France -- became Picasso's main patron. She acquired his drawings and paintings and exhibited them in her home salon for the retarded "in crowd" of Paris to discover and dutifully marvel at like so many "goy" dopes and dupes on a Yiddish string. And the rest, as the French say, is histoire.

Under. Every. Rock --- Every. Single. Time. ... Ah, show us the shekels, Pablo. Show us the shekels.


Smithsonian Magazine

Culture Trip

1. Gertrude & Leo Stein manufactured and marketed Pablo Picasso Inc. --OUT OF NOTHING. // 2. Gruesome Gertrude was a lesbian. // 3. Picasso's uncharacteristically realistic cartoon portrait of Boss Lady actually looks better than the real thing.

The hidden agenda behind this 100 + year-old movement (proudly referred to as "anti-art" by its early Marxist practitioners (here)) to replace the good stuff with neurotic garbage benefits the Globalists. You see, "Modern Art" distorts and perverts the appreciation and understanding of the good, the true and the beautiful. Convince the idiotic "intelligentsia" in any given society that up is down, black is white, crap is gold, men can be women, etc -- and soon you can sell these "educated" chumps anything. From there, the madness will eventually flow downhill to the mimicking masses.

The essence of "modernism" is to suppress one's God-given instincts, and then choose to believe in nothing, unless the "powers that be" instruct and authorize you to believe in something, that is. In the final analysis, a people that can no longer distinguish truth and beauty from falsehood and ugliness, is a people that is ripe for all manner of mental & moral degradation, political deception, oppression and enslavement. And that is why Modern Art is the art-of-choice for the cultural vandals behind the New World Order --- and it is also why The Great One, (that's Hitler for you newbies and normies) -- a talented painter himself (see examples below) -- protected his people from this massive financial and psychological con-game that is still being played today. He declared:

"Works of art that cannot be understood but need a swollen set of instructions to prove their right to exist and find their way to neurotics who are receptive to such stupid or insolent nonsense will no longer openly reach the German nation."

Tell it, Great One. Tell it!

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Boobus Americanus 1: I read in The New York Times that Picasso's daughter has passed away.
Boobus Americanus 2: He was the greatest artist of the 20th Century.
St. Sugar: Sayss who, Boobuss --- ssayss who?
Editor: The New York Times Arts Section.

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