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03 enero, 2023

Satanists, Communists & Child Rapists Still Fear Trump

DECEMBER 13, 2022

NY Times (Op-Ed) : I was Wrong About Donald Trump.

By David Brock

Well, well, well. Look at the villain that "the paper of record" has dredged up from the sewer system of Hell to fling fallacious fecal matter at "ex-president" Donald Trump. It's none other than David Brock -- the longtime homosexual "partner" of the shady and notorious "James Alefantis" of the highly credible "PizzaGate" child-rape / torture / murder infamy.

Brock -- a 1990s "conservative" who "converted" to Sorosian Marxism later on -- really revealed the full face of his evil self when the much-hated Trump announced his candidacy in 2015. But Brock, though hateful, was at the same time dismissive of Trump's staying power. In this Op-Ed, Brock admits to having grossly "underestimated" the scope of Trump's capabilities and the "threat to our democracy." He is now sounding warning tinker-bells for his fellow Establishmentarians, Communists, Satanists and pedo-monsters to start taking the Trump "threat" seriously.

From the article:

"My view of Trump began to shift soon after the November 2020 election, when he falsely claimed the election was rigged and refused to concede. In doing so, Mr. Trump showed himself willing to undermine confidence in the democratic process, and in time he managed to convince nearly three-quarters of his supporters that the loser was actually the winner.

Then came the Capitol Hill insurrection --- a roadmap for a coup."

More and more each day, it really does seem that the Q Storm -- or what Marxist Salon Magazine referred to as a "slow motion coup" -- is, as promised, approaching. The Communists, the Satanists and the pedo-monsters see their days as numbered. Although the exact timetable remains unknown, expect 2023 to be a doozy of year, once the incoming MAGA-dominated House Oversight Committee commences bombing.

David & Jimmy


Way back in 2004, with logistical help from Satanic pedo-monster John Podesta and advice from Satanist Killary Clinton, Mr. Brock founded "Media Matters" -- part of the research / media arm of the George Soros / NWO crime syndicate. MM's game is to monitor conservative media, "fact check" ™ for "errors," and then spread its poison propaganda through their Fake News allies (like the NY Slimes). Brock also worked with the tech giants such as Twitter and Facebook to censor the Internet of "conspiracy theories ™." It is interesting to note that on November 16th -- just three weeks after "Elon Musk" assumed ownership of Twitter -- Brock
announced his retirement as Chairman of Media Matters. Does he know what's about to come out? Yeah --- I think he does.

In researching for this rebuttal, your roving reporter here discovered -- as expected -- a treasure trove of Media Matter pieces "debunking" PizzaGate. MM's website actually has a whole sub-page of linked articles dedicated to this "debunk. (here) You see, Brock -- and Twitter -- had been running critical interference for his butt-buddy Alefantis while barely providing any visible disclosure that he & Jimmy have been blissfully buggering the dung out of one another for 20 years now! Moreover, in the secondary articles based upon the original MM reports which have appeared in the Fake News, we also find no disclosure of the fact that the original "debunking" story about Alefantis is the product of his "partner."

James Alefantis - John Podesta -- Tony Podesta -- Killary Clinton -- Marina Abramovic -- Ghislane Maxwell -- David Brock. It's one big family of incestuous perverts and child abusing freaks. All of them now squirming in agony over Trump's "slow motion coup," "Musk's" looming Congressional testimony, and the long-hoped-for exposure of their vicious crimes against children. The unremitting attacks on Trump & Q Anon by these child-torturing human shit stains were, all along, an indicator that the ongoing engineered implosion of the Deep State and its minions is indeed a real phenomenon.

Be patient, boys and girls. Stay tuned and get ready for 2023.

Killary & John Podesta are very close

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