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10 febrero, 2023

A Silent Genocide Is Overtaking Italy


FEBRUARY 02, 2023

NY Times: The Double Whammy Making Italy the West’s Fastest-Shrinking Nation

Italy’s population of elder Italians is soaring as its birthrate plummets, putting the country at the forefront of a global demographic trend that experts call the “silver tsunami.”


Rebuttal By

Under normal circumstances, it takes a birth-rate of 2.1 children per woman just to maintain population. Italy has now been so infertile for so long that even an unforeseeable spike in births would not correct the death-to-birth imbalance for many years. And it's not just Italy. Following close behind in this race to extinction are Germany, France, Britain, Spain, Scandinavia etc --- as well as the White element of the United States, Canada and the lands "Down Under."

Decades before the final integration & consolidation of the European nations into what we now know as the EU, Richard Coudenhove Kalergi's "Pan-European" movement -- as confirmed by Kalergi himself in his own autobiography -- here -- was financially backed by Jewish Cabal billionaire bosses such as "Baron" Louis de Rothschild, Bernard Baruch & The Brothers Warburg (Max & Paul). Kalergi also managed to attract important heads of state to his bosses' long term integration project.

Boobus Americanus 2: Young people cant afford children in this day and age.
St. Sugar: Economicss is only part of the problem, Boobuss. Frankfurt Sschool cultural degeneracy and anti-family attitudes alsso play a role.

Editor: Frankfurt School (cough cough).


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