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10 febrero, 2023

Members of the Ukrainian Azov Battalion

FEBRUARY 09, 2023

NY Times: Far-Right Militias in Europe Plan to Confront Russian Forces, a Research Group Says.


Many on the "far right" ™ have expressed confusion and concern as to why Vlad the Bad Putin has vowed to crush the "far right" ™ "ultra-nationalists" ™ (aka "Nazis") in Ukraine. Why do these "ultras" -- both within Ukraine and Russia itself -- hate Putin anyway? Don't they realize that they are making common cause with the Globalists who also hate Putin and especially hate the very concepts of "nationalism" and national sovereignty? Shouldn't these "nationalists" -- some of them now arriving from other European countries to "volunteer" in Jewish Ukraine's fight against Russia -- be joining forces with anti-Globalist Russia instead? This doesn't make any sense, at all --- on the surface, that is. We will need to dig into this article a bit deeper to see what lurks underneath this seemingly contradictory alliance between Globalists and ultra-nationalist "extremists." ™

The more astute regular readers of The Anti-New York Times must already suspect whom we are about to chisel-out of the deepest stratum of the petrified shit pit that is "nationalist" ™ Ukraine. But first, for the sake of better understanding, it behooves us to revisit a similar mystery of contradiction. Specifically, that would be the "Islamic extremists" ™ of ISIS -- another well-armed, well-financed group which, very oddly, made similar common cause with (((the usual suspects))) in their bloody war to overthrow Assad of Syria.

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