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10 febrero, 2023

Pfizer’s Business Model Is Actual Fascism. “The Merger of Corporate Power and State Power”


By Michael Welch and Ajamu Baraka, February 04, 2023

How should you and I and several citizens throughout the Western world react to a war waged because of the coup our own leaders orchestrated? As well, what about individual Ukrainians who don’t quite fit the standard “thank you for helping save us from the Russians!” stereotype? We have taken the time to sample these voices on this week’s show if the legacy media will not!
By Isaac Davis, February 04, 2023

The American public and the world have long since been warned of the dangers of allowing the military industrial complex to become such an integral part of our economic survival. The United States is the self-proclaimed angel of democracy in the world, but just as George Orwell warned, war is the health of the state, and in the language of newspeak, democracy is the term we use to hide the reality of the nature of our warfare state.

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