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30 mayo, 2023

More Unanswered Red Flags Regarding Jack Texeira and the Pentagon Leaks

By Larry Johnson, April 18, 2023

Several former military and intelligence professionals have contacted me and voiced similar doubts about the pat story being circulated regarding National Guard Airman Jack Texeira and the allegations that he removed TOP SECRET documents from a SCIF, photographed them and then posted them to a gamer chat. They all agree, something is not right. The media account does not make sense.
By Michael Welch and Dr. David Halpin, April 18, 2023

Dr David Kelly was a weapons inspector working under the auspices of the United Nations Special Commission (UNSCOM), and an expert in the field of biological weapons. He expressed doubts about the weapons of mass destruction claims found in the U.K. intelligence dossier “Iraq Its Infrastructure Of Concealment, Deception And Intimidation”, published on January 30, 2003 and used as the basis of Colin Powell’s February 5, 2003 presentation to the United Nations Security Council.
By Peter Koenig, April 18, 2023

At first sight you may wonder what do Ursula Von der Leyen and McKinsey and Pfizer have in common? The answer is: Corruption. Utmost corruption. Madame Von der Leyen, unelected President of the European Commission (EC) has several corruption scandals on her neck. 
By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, April 18, 2023

Thousands of children were killed by the Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion (which is supported by US-NATO). Fleeing the war zone to save your children is tagged by the I.C.C. as “deportation”. Starting in 2014, thousands of Donbass families including children were provided safe haven in Russia, as part of a humanitarian initiative under the auspices of Moscow’s Ministry of Emergency Situations.
By Dr. Joseph Mercola, April 18, 2023

In mid-February 2023, I reported that the U.S. government has secretly been tracking those who didn’t get the COVID jab, or are only partially jabbed, through a previously unknown surveillance program designed by the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), a division of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
By Philip Giraldi, April 18, 2023

Watching a once great nation commit suicide is not pretty. President Joe Biden does not seem to understand that his role as elected leader of the United States is to take actions that directly or indirectly benefit the folks who voted for him as well as the other Americans who did not do so. That is how a constitutional democracy is supposed to work.
By Drago Bosnic, April 18, 2023

Electronic warfare (EW) is one of the most important aspects of modern military capabilities and is often the litmus test of how advanced the state and its armed forces are. It’s part of the “invisible” and yet extremely intense battle that we usually cannot see directly.
By Ben Norton, April 18, 2023

The new president of the BRICS Bank has revealed that the Global South-led bloc is advancing toward de-dollarization, gradually moving away from use of the US dollar. The New Development Bank plans to give nearly one-third (30%) of its loans in the local currencies of the financial institution’s members.
By Rep. Ron Paul, April 18, 2023

Future historians may say that the most significant event of 2023 had nothing to do with Donald Trump, other 2024 presidential candidates, or even the war in Ukraine. Instead, the event with the most long-term significance may be one that received little attention in the mainstream media — Saudi Arabia’s movement toward accepting currencies other than the US dollar for oil payments.
By Michael T. Klare, April 18, 2023

On March 13th, the Biden administration unveiled its $842 billion military budget request for 2024, the largest ask (in today’s dollars) since the peaks of the Afghan and Iraq wars. And mind you, that’s before the hawks in Congress get their hands on it.

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