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06 junio, 2023

Video: BlackRock – The Company That Owns the World?


By Investigate Europe, April 26, 2023

BlackRock — there’s a good chance you have never heard of them. In less than 30 years, this American financial firm has grown from nothing to becoming the world’s largest and most trusted manager of other people’s money. The assets left in their care are worth a staggering 6.3 trillion US dollars – a figure with 12 zeroes.
By Black Alliance for Peace, April 27, 2023

Today, the United Nations Security Council is holding consultations on the future of Haiti. No Haitian individuals or organizations will be present at the meeting. Instead, Haiti will be represented by its occupying entities: The Core Group and the United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti (BINUH), the mandate of which is set to expire on July 23.
By Uriel Araujo, April 27, 2023

Following intense negotiations since April 22, the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), a powerful paramilitary organization, and the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) have agreed to a 72 hours ceasefire which started April 24 at midnight.
By Dr. Joseph Mercola, April 26, 2023

Even though the mRNA COVID jabs are the most dangerous medical products ever to hit the market, vaccine makers and U.S. health agencies are steamrolling ahead with a long list of mRNA-based shots, including combination shots to cover multiple viral infections at the same time.
By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, April 26, 2023

A possible explanation is that Fox News, voluntarily or involuntarily, participated in an orchestration that established the precedent that reporting news different from the narrative, or news that is unfavorable to a person, company, or government institution, is defamation.
By Hamid Rizk and Steven Sahiounie, April 26, 2023

China played the pivotal role in building the bridge of peace between Iran and Saudi Arabia. Now, China is turning its efforts to negotiating an end to the war in Yemen, which has been a proxy war between Iran and Saudi Arabia.
By Abayomi Azikiwe, April 26, 2023

The rightward shift in domestic policy in France is reflective of the worsening economic conditions for workers within the European Union (EU) states. In many capitalist countries the living standards of the majority of people have declined precipitously in the last decade.
By Prof. Bill Willers, April 26, 2023

You might argue that physical money continues to be in great supply, so where is the danger of a global CBDC when society is awash with cash? Well, training a culture to use electronic money is requiring expanded time, even generations, for normalization to become established. However, cash can be made scarce — and then to dry up — relatively quickly.
By Peter Koenig and Michael Welch, April 26, 2023

Let me begin by saying everything is connected. And I don’t mean just banking collapses around the world, but COVID, energy shortages, food shortages, the Ukraine War, the economic suicide currently being committed by the European Union, also called wanton deindustrialization, the desperate attempt to introduce all controlling Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC), and also the ongoing, just started orchestrated international banking collapse.
By Konrad Rękas, April 26, 2023

London, the Euro-Atlantic capital of war and imperialism, has at least partly become one of the centres of the movement for peace, disarmament and a multipolar world based on respect for the right of nations to self-determination and their civilisational autonomy.

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