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30 septiembre, 2023

Climate Forward / Section F

Fake Science climate articles

The entire Section F of this issue of "the paper of record" is dedicated to Fake Science climate articles -- which, in and of itself, proves that the Climate Con is a hoax! In years past, these types of wall-to-wall propaganda tsunamis were demoralizing because they represented the seemingly unstoppable "forward" (a Marxist term) march to Globalism under the pretext of "saving the planet." Even many "conservatives" had been cowed into accepting the "science" of Global Warming / Climate Change -- pathetically reducing themselves only to questioning the extent of the acknowledged "problem" and the risk-reward ratio of the policy proposals designed to address it.

In the age of Trump, however, this latest Slimes barrage carries the smell of desperation, not invincibility. The 2016 Paris Climate Scam -- which at one time appeared as though it was going to acquire teeth before Trump pulled us out of the Obongo-approved deal -- has been largely ignored by the man who supposedly got us back in -- "Joe Biden." Hundreds of Fake Scientists and climate bureaucrats were fired at the Supreme-Court-neutered EPA -- and never replaced by "Biden." Major countries like Russia, China, India and scores of other "developing nations" are now ignoring the Climate Con (though still paying "lip service" to it), as are several Eastern European nations. Greta Gloomberg and her manufactured army of commie kiddies appear to have disappeared (in Greta's case, perhaps literally) and even Green Germany and Bolshevik Britain are loosening up a bit on the carbon tyranny. Though individual nations and state governors are still able to damage their economies by following Paris "mandates" on their own -- the dangerous world government agenda of "Climate Forward" has been steadily rolling backwards instead.

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