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11 octubre, 2023

Israel Fake War - Hamas Phony War - Democracy

Israel mobilized 300,000 reservists amid signs that it could be preparing for a major ground invasion of Gaza, and it bombed hundreds of sites, including mosques and a marketplace.

The "Wag the Dog" photo fakery and crisis acting coming out of Israel and Gaza is so amateurish and comical that "youse guys" surely don't need the "autistic" abilities of "The Editorial Board" of The Anti-New York Times to debunk them for you. Just look at the dry-eyed wailing Israeli characters in black plastered across the top of "the paper of record" today (above). Haven't seen such bad acting since the Russia-Ukraine conflict -- a minor operation also conflated into an imaginary "war" with "hundreds of thousands" dead and "potential for World War III."

Full article: https://realnewsandhistory.com/anyt-10-10-23/

What We Know About the Hamas Attack and Israel’s Response

The sudden and shocking outbreak of a new war between Israel and Hamas of Palestine took everyone by surprise -- including, we are expected to believe, the vaunted intelligence services of Israel and the United States, both of which were not able to detect "Israel's 9-11." Equally perplexing is the apparent breakdown of Israel's impermeable "Iron Dome" missile defense system -- which, we are expected to believe, allowed 5000 rockets to slip through. And, of course, the kicker to this implausible drama: Hamas militants -- attacking from land, sea and air -- are said to have actually invaded Israel and killed or kidnapped hundreds of Israeli civilians! The whole series of events stinks of orchestrated script-writing. The relevant questions are: By whom? -- and -- To what end?

Democracy at 30,000 Feet

Few students in the modern Marxified "educational" system and the communiversities understand the critical distinction between a pure, unlimited "democracy" ™ versus a republican constitutional democracy. By design, and in accordance with Marx's own teachings, much of the dumb-as-dirt electorate have been brainwashed into believing that the all important "majority" ratio of 50.01% must somehow magically confer unlimited wisdom and unlimited power to the lucky (often cunning) winner. That's actually mob rule -- or, to more accurately describe the social dynamic -- rule of self-serving, self-aggrandizing criminals who know how to manipulate a stupid mob in such a manner that a mass of moronic normies actually believes itself to be free and sovereign.

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