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10 octubre, 2023

Women’s Rights in Afghanistan: “Before” and “After” America’s Destructive Wars


Women’s Rights in Afghanistan: “Before” and “After” America’s Destructive Wars

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, October 04, 2023

Unknown to Americans, in the 1970s and early 1980s, Kabul was “a cosmopolitan city. Artists and hippies flocked to the capital. Women studied agriculture, engineering and business at the city’s university. Afghan women held government jobs”.

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US Democrats Commit Suicide with Ouster of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy. Shut Down of US Government in November?

By Karsten Riise, October 04, 2023

House Democrats voted as a block together with the eight activist House Republicans to oust Speaker McCarthy. That was an emotional move by impotent Democrats and not a wise decision. The House Democrats have now thrown their own government into a chaos which is likely to last the next month, if not for longer.

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The Nobel Prize Has Been Politicized. Nobel Committee Has Awarded the Prize to Two “Scientists” Who Concocted the Most Dangerous “Vaccine” Ever Released

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, October 04, 2023

The Nobel Committee gave the Peace prize to Obama, one of the worst warmongers of the 21st century second only to Bush/Cheney. And now the Nobel Committee has awarded the medicine prize to two “scientists” who concocted the most dangerous “vaccine” ever released on the world with the documented deaths of millions of the vaccinated and even larger numbers of people with health injuries.

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New Onset Type I Diabetes After COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination. Potentially Fatal Diabetic Ketoacidosis in Children Ages 5 to 12 Years Old

By Dr. William Makis, October 04, 2023

Beyond the heart attacks and the blood clots, there are all types of auto-immune diseases caused by COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines and the endless immune system aberrations that may be contributing to “mysterious deaths” of young people. TYPE 1 Diabetes and Diabetic Ketoacidosis. This is one of them.

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Hungary to Receive €13 Billion If Orbán Supports New Military Aid Package for Ukraine

By Ahmed Adel, October 04, 2023

Since the start of the conflict, Hungary has consistently opposed sanctions against Russian energy and arms shipments to Ukraine. In effect, Budapest has been a constant thorn in EU designs on Ukraine. For this reason, to increase the aid budget for Kiev, the European Commission intends to unfreeze around €13 billion of funding for Hungary.

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War Fatigue Complicates West’s Aid to Ukraine

By M. K. Bhadrakumar, October 04, 2023

A pall of gloom descended on Europe as the long-feared uncertainty set in over the weekend as to how long would the collective West underwrite the proxy war in Ukraine. To lift their sagging spirit, some European foreign ministers  impromptu took the train to Kiev to spend Monday with President Zelensky.

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This Is Not Freedom, America: The Profit Incentives Driving the American Police State

By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead, October 04, 2023

Not only are Americans forced to spend more on taxes than the annual financial burdens of food, education and clothing combined, but we’re also being played as easy marks by hustlers bearing the imprimatur of the government.

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The Childhood Vaccination Schedule. Overview and Analysis

By Health Freedom Defense Fund, October 04, 2023

In the past few decades, the childhood vaccine schedule in the United States has exploded into what is now the most aggressive vaccination schedule in the world. It wasn’t always this way. Most Americans who are today’s “baby boomers” likely had only two or three vaccinations—polio, smallpox and DTP—and never more than one shot—one dose of a single vaccine—per visit.

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Why Synthetic Food Is Very Dangerous

By Dr. Joseph Mercola, October 04, 2023

The official source of nutritional information is the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference. It lists the composition of hundreds of thousands of foods, but it’s not as detailed as you might imagine. In all, it details only 188 nutritional components, including 38 flavonoids, yet scientists estimate there are more than 26,000 different biochemicals in our food.

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UK’s Former Defense Secretary Wants More Young Ukrainians on the Battlefield

By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, October 04, 2023

Apparently, former British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace is convinced that Ukraine is “winning”. In an opinion article published in The Telegraph, Wallace endorsed the “need” for Ukraine to mobilize even more young people to participate in hostilities, stating that this is the only way to “finish the job”, leading the country to definitively defeat Russian troops.

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