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13 junio, 2024

The Alchemical Cell: Biological Transmutation and the Mitochondrial Mystery

Posted on: Thursday, April 18th 2024 at 3:00 am

Prepare to have your understanding of biology turned upside down as we explore the mind-bending phenomena of biological transmutation and the untapped potential of mitochondria.

The concept of biological transmutation, the ability of living organisms to transform one element into another, has long fascinated scientists and challenged our understanding of the fundamental principles governing life. While met with skepticism due to its apparent violation of established physical and chemical laws, a growing body of evidence suggests that biological transmutation may indeed be a real phenomenon, with profound implications for our perception of life and its interaction with the material world. Central to this intriguing mystery is the mitochondrion, the cell's powerhouse, which holds untapped potential that could redefine our understanding of its capabilities and role in the transmutation process.

Mitochondria: Beyond Energy Production

Mitochondria, often referred to as the "powerhouses" of the cell, are renowned for their critical role in generating ATP, the energy currency that fuels cellular processes. Through a series of intricate biochemical reactions, mitochondria convert nutrients into usable energy, enabling the complexity and sustainability of multicellular life. However, recent research suggests that mitochondria may possess capabilities extending far beyond their well-established role in energy production, potentially playing a key role in facilitating biological transmutation.

The Evidence for Biological Transmutation

The idea of biological transmutation has a rich history, with early alchemical practices and observations of unexplained elemental changes in plants and animals laying the foundation for modern scientific inquiry. Recent studies, employing advanced analytical techniques, have provided compelling evidence supporting the occurrence of biological transmutation in various contexts.

Microorganisms and Isotope Studies

Investigations involving microorganisms have yielded intriguing results, demonstrating the transmutation of elements such as manganese into iron and the accelerated decay of radioactive isotopes like cesium-137. These findings suggest that microbes can alter elemental composition, potentially to meet their physiological needs or adapt to environmental challenges. Vysotskii and Kornilova (2019) observed the transmutation of manganese into iron in bacteria grown in iron-deficient media, indicating the ability of these organisms to synthesize essential elements.1

Plant Growth and Elemental Accumulation

Observations of plants accumulating elements not readily available in the soil, such as gold or rare earth elements, suggest that transmutation processes may contribute to nutrient uptake and utilization in plants. These findings challenge the conventional understanding of nutrient acquisition and point to the potential for plants to influence elemental composition within their tissues. Biberian (2012, 2019) has documented numerous instances of elemental changes in various plant species, including wheat and oat seeds, indicating potential transmutation activity during germination and growth.2,3

Isotopic Anomalies

Analyses of isotopic ratios in biological samples have revealed anomalies that are difficult to explain without considering transmutation. Variations in lithium isotope ratios observed in germinating wheat seeds, for example, suggest that transmutation processes may occur during plant growth and development.1

The Mitochondrial Connection

The unique characteristics and energetic processes of mitochondria position them as potential candidates for facilitating biological transmutation. Mitochondria contain a variety of elements, including those observed to undergo transmutation, such as potassium, calcium, and magnesium, suggesting that the necessary building blocks for transmutation reactions could be present within these organelles.1

Moreover, the energetic processes within mitochondria, particularly oxidative phosphorylation, involve the transfer of electrons and the generation of a proton gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane. This creates an environment with significant energy potential and charge separation, potentially providing the necessary conditions for initiating nuclear reactions or influencing elemental transformations.4

Possible Mechanisms of Action

Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the mechanisms behind biological transmutation, although the precise processes remain under investigation.

Coherent Correlated States (CCS)

Vysotskii and Kornilova (2019) champion the theory of Coherent Correlated States (CCS), suggesting that the dynamic environment within mitochondria and the presence of non-stationary potential wells could create conditions conducive to the formation of CCS. These states involve particles with highly correlated properties, leading to significant energy fluctuations that could potentially overcome the energy barriers required for nuclear reactions.1

Neutron-Mediated Reactions

Some researchers, such as Kozima (2019), propose that biological transmutation may involve the participation of neutrons, either through the capture of free neutrons or the generation of neutrons within the biological system itself. These neutrons could then interact with atomic nuclei, leading to transmutation reactions. Kozima's work explores the concept of "trapped neutrons" within condensed matter systems, including biological materials, and their potential role in facilitating nuclear reactions at low energies.5

Enzymatic Processes

The possibility of enzymatic involvement in biological transmutation has been suggested by early proponents like Kervran (1972), although the specific enzymes and their mechanisms remain unknown. Enzymes, with their diverse catalytic capabilities, could potentially facilitate specific transmutation reactions within mitochondria or other cellular compartments.6

MgATP as a Molecular Cyclotron

Solomon Goldfein (1978) proposed a novel mechanism involving magnesium adenosine triphosphate (MgATP) acting as a microscopic cyclotron. He suggested that the structure of MgATP molecules, stacked upon each other with their associated electric fields and dipoles, could create conditions suitable for accelerating hydrogen ions to high speeds, facilitating nuclear fusion reactions.7

Cavitation and Sonoluminescence

Mark LeClair's groundbreaking research on the LeClair Effect (2018) has shed new light on the potential role of cavitation and sonoluminescence in biological transmutation. LeClair's experiments demonstrated that water cavitation can induce the transmutation of elements, with the elemental distribution of the transmuted material closely matching that of supernovas and the earth's crust. This finding suggests that cavitation-induced transmutation could be a widespread phenomenon in nature, potentially occurring within biological systems.8

The extreme conditions and energy dynamics within collapsing cavitation bubbles could influence elemental transformations and provide alternative energy sources for cells. A striking example of biological systems harnessing cavitation energy is found in the pistol shrimp, which can generate a cavitation bubble with its claw that reaches temperatures up to 5,000 K (similar to the surface of the sun) and produces a burst of light through sonoluminescence.9 This demonstrates the incredible potential for living organisms to tap into seemingly impossible sources of energy.

The Evolutionary Implications of Biological Transmutation

If biological transmutation is indeed a real phenomenon, it could have profound implications for our understanding of evolution and the adaptability of life. The ability to transform elements could provide organisms with a remarkable level of flexibility in meeting their nutritional requirements and adapting to changing environmental conditions. Organisms in nutrient-poor environments could potentially transmute abundant elements into scarce but essential ones, enhancing their chances of survival and reproduction.

Moreover, the capacity for elemental transformation could contribute to the diversification of life by enabling organisms to exploit new ecological niches and resources. The ability to accumulate and utilize elements not readily available in the environment could open up new opportunities for growth, reproduction, and evolutionary innovation.

The Role of Mitochondria in Aging and Disease

Given the potential involvement of mitochondria in biological transmutation, it is worth considering how this could relate to their well-established roles in aging and disease. Mitochondrial dysfunction has been implicated in various age-related pathologies, including neurodegenerative disordersmetabolic diseases, and cancer.

If mitochondria possess the ability to influence elemental composition through transmutation processes, alterations in this function could contribute to the development of age-related diseases. Impaired transmutation activity could lead to imbalances in essential elements, disrupting cellular homeostasis and contributing to oxidative stress and inflammation.

Conversely, harnessing the transmutation potential of mitochondria could offer novel therapeutic approaches for mitigating age-related decline and treating diseases associated with elemental deficiencies or imbalances. Strategies aimed at optimizing mitochondrial function and supporting transmutation processes could potentially slow aging and improve overall health outcomes.

Future Directions and Challenges

While the evidence for biological transmutation is compelling, significant challenges remain in fully elucidating the mechanisms and implications of this phenomenon. Future research should focus on:

1. Developing more sensitive and precise analytical techniques to detect and quantify transmutation events in living systems.3

2. Investigating the specific roles of mitochondria in facilitating transmutation reactions, including the identification of key enzymes, pathways, and energetic processes involved.1

3. Exploring the potential applications of biological transmutation in fields such as medicine, agriculture, and environmental remediation.2

4. Addressing the skepticism and resistance within the scientific community, which may stem from the paradigm-challenging nature of biological transmutation and its apparent violation of established physical and chemical principles.1

As research in this area progresses, it is essential to maintain a rigorous and open-minded approach, carefully evaluating the evidence and engaging in constructive dialogue to advance our understanding of this intriguing phenomenon. The study of biological transmutation and the mitochondrial enigma holds the promise of revolutionizing our perception of life and its relationship with the fundamental building blocks of the universe.

Learn more by reading Chapter 3 of REGENERATE: Unlocking Your Body's Radical Resilience Through the New Biology by Sayer Ji.


1. Vladimir I. Vysotskii and Alla A. Kornilova, "Biological Transmutation of Stable and Radioactive Isotopes in Growing Biological Systems," Journal of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science 28 (2019): 7-20, http://www.iscmns.org/CMNS/JCMNS-Vol28.pdf.

2. Jean-Paul Biberian, "Biological Transmutations," Journal of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science 28 (2019): 21-27, http://www.iscmns.org/CMNS/JCMNS-Vol28.pdf.

3. Jean-Paul Biberian, "Biological Transmutations: Historical Perspective," Journal of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science 7 (2012): 11-25, http://www.iscmns.org/CMNS/JCMNS-Vol7.pdf.

4. Nick Lane and William Martin, "The Energetics of Genome Complexity," Nature 467, no. 7318 (2010): 929-34, https://doi.org/10.1038/nature09486.

5. Hideo Kozima, "Nuclear Transmutations and Stabilization of Unstable Nuclei in the Cold Fusion Phenomenon," Journal of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science 28 (2019): 28-49, http://www.iscmns.org/CMNS/JCMNS-Vol28.pdf.

6. C. Louis Kervran, Biological Transmutations (revised and edited by H. Rosenauer and E. Rosenauer) (London: Crosby Lockwood, 1972).

7. Solomon Goldfein, Energy Development from Elemental Transmutations in Biological Systems: Final Report December 1977-April 1978 (Fort Belvoir, VA: Army Mobility Equipment Research and Development Center, 1978), https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/ADA056906.pdf.

8. Mark L. LeClair, "A Theory of Cavitation Prebiotic Synthesis - Discovery of Cavitation Reentrant Jet Formation in Water of H2O Van Der Waals Crystals" (2018), https://www.researchgate.net/publication/326417675_A_THEORY_OF_CAVITATION_PREBIOTIC_SYNTHESIS_-_DISCOVERY_OF_CAVITATION_REENTRANT_JET_FORMATION_IN_WATER_OF_H2O_VAN_DER_WAALS_CRYSTALS.

9. D. Lohse et al., "Sonoluminescence: How Bubbles Turn Sound into Light," Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 38, no. 1 (2006): 283-300, https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev.fluid.38.050304.092129.

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