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13 junio, 2024

The Silencing of Natural Health: NPR's New Censor-in-Chief

Posted on: Monday, April 29th 2024 at 3:00 am

When the taxpayer-funded voice of public radio is led by someone pushing an agenda of censorship and misinformation, can we trust NPR to honestly cover natural healing and health freedom?

 NPR's new CEO has ties to pro-censorship groups funded by George Soros, raising concerns about bias and the squashing of dissenting health views like those promoted on GreenMedInfo.com. This compounds NPR's unethical defamation of the platform and its founder Sayer Ji over the "Disinformation Dozen" saga.

NPR's newly appointed CEO, Katherine Maher, serves on the board of the Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT), a progressive activist group that advocates for online censorship and receives funding from George Soros' Open Society Foundations.1 This alarming affiliation, coupled with Maher's past statements dismissing free speech concerns over "disinformation," raises serious questions about the future editorial direction of the publicly-funded radio network.

Of particular concern is how NPR will cover dissenting health views and the promotion of safe, effective natural therapies under Maher's leadership. Organizations like GreenMedInfo.com, founded by Sayer Ji, have already faced unethical defamation and misinformation from NPR over the "Disinformation Dozen" saga. With a CEO holding ties to pro-censorship groups, will NPR double down on suppressing alternative health voices?

The "Disinformation Dozen" Debacle and NPR's Unethical Reporting

In May 2021, NPR published two highly problematic articles that uncritically repeated claims from the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) alleging that just twelve individuals were responsible for 73% of anti-vaccine misinformation on social media.2,3 Among those vilified was Sayer Ji, founder of the widely respected natural health resource GreenMedInfo.com.

However, Meta (then Facebook) flatly contradicted the CCDH's findings, revealing that the so-called "Disinformation Dozen" accounted for just 0.05% of views of vaccine-related content on Facebook, including accurate and inaccurate posts.4 Meta's VP of Content Policy, Monika Bickert, excoriated the CCDH report's flawed methodology, sloppy identification of "anti-vax" content, and baseless claim of being "representative."5

Despite Meta's direct refutation, NPR did not issue a retraction or correction for its blatantly defamatory coverage that smeared Ji and other respected health advocates as "misinformation superspreaders." This unethical dereliction of journalistic standards underscores NPR's apparent bias and disregard for accurately covering vaccine safety issues and contrarian health perspectives.

GreenMedInfo's Response and the Importance of Defending Natural Healing

In a comprehensive rebuttal, the GreenMedInfo Research Group meticulously dismantled NPR's shoddy reporting and condemned the uncritical amplification of the CCDH's baseless claims and flawed methodology.6 The article astutely noted:

"NPR's uncritical amplification of the CCDH's debunked 'Disinformation Dozen' report has not only spread misinformation but also unjustly vilified individuals advocating for vaccine safety and informed consent, highlighting the urgent need for media accountability and retraction."6

The article highlighted NPR's concerning conflicts of interest, given its funding ties to pro-vaccine entities like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.6 It also exposed the Virality Project's role in suppressing legitimate reports of vaccine injuries under the guise of fighting "misinformation."6  

This shameful episode underscores the vital importance of defending platforms like GreenMedInfo.com that courageously promote evidence-based natural health solutions and informed consent. As corporate media like NPR increasingly cedes to censorship agendas, it becomes all the more crucial to support independent voices upholding medical freedom and bodily autonomy.



The Path Forward: Restoring Trust and Elevating Truth

With Katherine Maher's troubling ties to pro-censorship groups now at the helm of NPR, it is imperative that the public radio network take immediate steps to restore public trust and correct its unethical defamation of GreenMedInfo.com and other natural health advocates:

1. Issue a formal retraction and apology for the defamatory "Disinformation Dozen" coverage that amplified the CCDH's debunked claims without proper fact-checking or addressing Meta's contradictory data.

2. Implement robust editorial policies and fact-checking mechanisms to prevent the unfair vilification of dissenting health voices and ensure balanced, ethical reporting on issues like vaccine safety and natural therapies.

3. Disclose all potential conflicts of interest, such as funding sources and staff affiliations that could unduly influence coverage related to health, medicine, and corporate interests.

4. Actively seek out and amplify a diversity of perspectives on health matters, including voices from the natural healing community, to foster a truly well-rounded public discourse.

Ultimately, NPR must decide whether it will live up to its public service mission by embracing ethical journalism that elevates truth over narrative control. Defending medical freedom, bodily autonomy, and access to safe natural treatments should be a core tenet of any media organization truly committed to serving the public interest.

As for organizations like GreenMedInfo.com, they must remain steadfast in their pursuit of providing the world free access to evidence-based natural health solutions, undeterred by unethical media defamation campaigns or censorship agendas. The path to a healthier world requires elevating truth over misinformation and empowering people with the knowledge to make informed choices about their well-being.

If you would like to support GreenMedInfo.com, you can make a donation here, or join as a member here.


1. "NPR's New CEO Sits on Board of Soros-Funded Activist Group that Pushes for Censorship," Judicial Watch, April 25, 2024, https://www.judicialwatch.org/corruption-chronicles/nprs-new-ceo-sits-on-board-of-soros-funded-activist-group-that-pushes-for-censorship/.

2. Shannon Bond, "For Some Anti-Vaccine Advocates, Misinformation Is Part of a Business," NPR, May 12, 2021, https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2021/05/12/993615185/for-some-anti-vaccine-advocates-misinformation-is-part-of-a-business.

3. Shannon Bond, "Just 12 People Are Behind Most Vaccine Hoaxes On Social Media, Research Shows," NPR, May 14, 2021, https://www.npr.org/2021/05/13/996570855/disinformation-dozen-test-facebooks-twitters-ability-to-curb-vaccine-hoaxes.

4. Monika Bickert, "How We're Taking Action Against Vaccine Misinformation Superspreaders," Meta, August 18, 2021, https://about.fb.com/news/2021/08/taking-action-against-vaccine-misinformation-superspreaders/.

5. Ibid.

6. GreenMedInfo Research Group, "NPR's Flawed Reporting on Vaccine Misinformation: A Call for Accountability and Retraction," GreenMedInfo.com, April 11, 2024, https://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/nprs-flawed-reporting-vaccine-misinformation-call-accountability-and-retracti.

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