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03 mayo, 2013

CIA is the master race

By Sherwood Ross
In a recent interview, Noam Chomsky said he never expected much of President Obama, adding, ”The one thing that did surprise me is his attack on civil liberties. They go well beyond anything I would have anticipated, and they don't seem easy to explain.”
Maybe the reasons for Obama’s transformation from a Chicago law professor into a world-class totalitarian thug is that he is a creature of the Central Intelligence Agency; that both his parents were CIA payrollers; that the CIA financed his college education and gave him his first job afterwards----so that we may well have a president beholden to this international criminal organization, an agency that has left a trail of blood, turmoil, and assassinations around the globe.
According to the May 6th The New Yorker, when General James Cartwright, vice-chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, asked at an Obama Situation Room meeting why the U.S. was building a second air force in the form of a CIA drone attack fleet, Obama told him, “The CIA gets what it wants.” That Obama holds this view is reinforced by Cameron Munter, President Obama’s former ambassador to Pakistan. Munter questioned whether the drone strikes in Pakistan weren’t having a blowback effect on the Pakistani public. Writing in the magazine, Steve Coll says Munter learned under Obama: “It was what the CIA believed that really counted.”
Reporter Coll says America’s drone war is a major factor in why U.S. relations with Pakistan have “collapsed.” Today, he writes, “the U.S. has surpassed India as the most hated nation in Pakistan.” Coll adds, “Obama seems unwilling to confront the possibility that drone strikes may be creating more enemies than they’re eliminating.”
So far, the drone strikes are believed to have killed 3,000 people, not one of whom got a fair trial in the American tradition. The attacks are being made in countries where the U.S. has never officially declared war: besides Pakistan, in Somalia, Yemen, and even in the Philippines. Obama has turned the whole world into an American shooting gallery.
In his two terms in office, President Bush authorized 48 drone strikes in Pakistan. But since 2009, Obama has okayed more than 300, reporter Coll writes. What’s more, The Washington Post reports that CIA Director John Brennan believes that targeted killings will be needed to contain Al Qaeda-related terrorism for at least another decade.
It’s a CIA dream come true: the green light for a bunch of organized crackpots and anarchist-type bomb-throwers to roam the planet with their sophisticated killing machines raining Hellfire missiles down on suspects, nearly all of them foreigners. No jury trials for them. They are treated as an inferior race of people not entitled to trials while the CIA is the Master Race that can kill whomever it wants. Remind us of anyone?
Let’s connect the dots between the Boston Marathon massacre and blowback triggered by the CIA’s overseas killings. Strange, but we don’t see Finland or Brazil under attack by terrorists. Maybe it’s because they respect other nations’ sovereignty.
On MLK Day, President Obama did his level best to wrap himself in the mantle of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. But where MLK denounced the KKK thugs who murdered four little girls in Birmingham’s 16th Street Baptist Church, President Obama is using his own “KKK”(CIA) to kill suspected terrorists, taking the lives of more than 100 children to date in the process. There is no question MLK would have denounced Obama’s wars.

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