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03 mayo, 2013

Documents Reveal Homeland Security Deeply Involved in Boston Bombing

New Documents Reveal Homeland Security Deeply Involved in Boston Bombing
April, 2013 DHS documents provide evidence of foreknowledge and complicity in the deaths and injuries sustained in the 4/15/2013 Boston Bombing
Citizen investigators are doing a fine job at exposing the inconsistencies in the story the Feds and corpse media would like us to believe. Regardless how we attempt to identify the suspects, one perpetrator has essentially confessed to their part in the crime – The Department of Homeland Security.
New DHS documents published in April 2013 expose the involvement of Homeland Security as complicit in the reported deaths of Tamerlan Tsarnaev, Martin Richard, Krystle Campbell, Lu Lingzi and the related murder of MIT officer, Sean Collier. This assertion of complicity extends to the 260 reported injuries due to the organized, staged events by crisis actors who were contracted to carry out unannounced, misleading, confusing and dangerous activities in the vicinity of the Boston marathon finish line on April 15, 2013. HSEEP Doc PDF
Failure to notify the pubic of the planned exercise per DHS own requirements contributed to the uncertainties, confusion, deaths and injuries. With full expectation that the simulated bombing would be executed in public, DHS failed to inform local spectators and millions of television viewers of a planned, simulated catastrophe that somehow went “live”. Below is an except from DHS “Notification” form: HSEEP-DD10 Rev. April 2013
Note: “The Public Announcement letter can be distributed to residents surrounding the exercise site to inform them of an upcoming exercise. For large-scale exercises, the announcement can be published in the local newspaper prior to the exercise. A sample announcement is provided.” (document PDF)
Furthermore, the deliberate confusion created at the finish line increased opportunity for terrorist activity – whether real or as a False Flag pretext for a political agenda.
To date DHS director, Janet Napolitano has failed to explain why DHS should not be held accountable for the death, injury and destruction of property resulting from the deliberate and criminal deception of the American people.
Next is a short video of crisis actors attempting (but failing) to counterfeit the scene with props, fake blood and injuries without being revealed by media cameras. Notice how one chap checks the line-of-sight to the camera lens to see if their “guards” succeeded in blocking view of the gravel-toss. This overt attempt at secrecy goes beyond what is required for an “exercise”. It becomes obvious that these maneuvers were rehearsed as visual deception intended for broadcast viewing by millions watching the marathon finish line.

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